Prisión abierta
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jun 30, 2015
Our adult educational establishment, CEPA Las Palmas Cono Sur, is developing an educational initiative inside the prison facility at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Our establishment is working in collaboration with Associazione Condotta Slow Food Monteregio, which also works with prisons, the Massa Marítima and Gorgona facilities.
The main focus of our work involves job shadowing in the form of visits made by our staff (teachers, social workers, psychologists, educators, etc.) to the prison facilities at Massa Marítima and Gorgona, the purpose of which is to acquire a series of skills relating to various topic areas (organisational, social, technical and methodological), by means of direct observation.
This project will promote learning at every level, be it local, national or international, by building on the knowledge and skills of our staff, which will in turn lead to improved performance in our work with the prisoners at our facility.
The development plan for the organization will thus not only promote the acquisition of skills and new methods, but also enhance the European dimension, as initiated four years ago, by implementing our first European project involving adult education.
By publishing the results and conclusions of our project, we aim introduce society at large to the reality of our prisons, a hitherto unknown aspect.