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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The applicant and (sending) organization, Colegiul Tehnic Remus Radulet from Brasov carried out VET mobilities with 3 receiving organizations from Hungary: Kossuth Lajos Szakkepzo Iskola from Gyor, NI Hungary from Debrecen, Eco-Verde Kft. Budapest. Colegiul Tehnic Remus Radulet from Brasov is an important VET institution in the field electrical, electronic and automation engineering .„Kossuth Lajos Ipari Szakképző Iskola, Kollégium és Felnőttek Középiskolája”, Györ, is a VET institution in the fileds of in the field electrical, electronic and automation engineering . The production plant , NI Hungary from Debrecen, is a valuable host organization through its peak technologies and the hardware products it manufactures. Eco-Verde Kft. is a small and medium-sized enterprise, oriented towards environment protection and energy-efficient solutions. Arato Akusztikai KFT. company, which appearde as a partner in the initial proposal , showed no availability for the project , due to internal management disfunctions. However, its withdrawal didn't have any effect on reaching the proposed objectives. The main objective of the project consisted of facilitating the transfer of trainees from school to active life through vocational preparation and work experience within competent organizations. The specific objectives of he project were totally accomplished: -increasing the quality of initial professional training through the development of professional practical skills in mobility abroad; -recognizing the competences, the transparency of the skills; -facilitating the transfer of the trainees from school to active life due to the practical training in a foreign language; -achieving new linguistic competences related to qualifications, improving communication abilities; -achieving new intercultural competences, active citizenship, recognizing diversity, tolerance; -achieving new abilities for teamwork, responsibility, social competences. All the main and specific objectives were reached in a proportion of 100%. Within the project the following main activities/ phases were outlined: contracting; preparation of mobilities; implementation of mobilities; reporting; dissemination and valorification of the results. Within the mobilities there was a total amount of 38 participants, all of them students or young graduates of 2014 within the fields of automation and electronics, mecatronic and electrical engineering. There were also 2 accompanying teachers for the underage groups. 20 students from the XI-th grades, were divided into two groups. 10 students carried out a two-week mobility in a VET institution in Gyor (where they benefitted from vocational training within the institution (five days) followed by a factory located probation of five days at Rabvill factory. The other group of 10 students acquired a three-week work experience within the multinational company, NI Hungary from Debrecen. The 18 young graduates of 2014 were offered a three-week work experience at Eco-Verde Kft. in Budapest in 3 flows of six participants equally divided. The vocational competences referred to level 3 of vocational qualifications for technicians in automation, electronic, mecatronic and electrical engineering. Besides, they also acquired linguistic, cultural and social competences. As measurable results, that had powerful impact upon the sending institution the following can be mentioned -38 participants with newly developed professional and personal competences ; -38 Europass Mobility Certificates ; - Very good qualifications in the individual reports concerning participants' satisfaction; -more than 60 grades between 8-10 iin the students' records, as a recognition of the activities within the mobility; -80% of the CTRR students interested in mobilities; - the10% improvement of learning results and students' behaviour reflected in grades ( for answering selection criteria) - better results at school contests by motivating the students through participation possibilities in mobilities. (first prize - Electronics Olimpiade, national level) -3 Work-based Learning conference invitations/ participations for the project responsible; - attracting students from Brasov and area in order to achieve the proposed student number in 100%, for this and last year. -hundresd of likes on social media for the project, on studenst, teachers and school's pages; -50% increase of the social insertion of the mobility participants; - 10% increase work insertion of those who indirectly benefitted from the project; - cresterea gradului de insertie pe piata muncii a beneficiarilor indirecti cu 10%; - the increasing number of students who take up electrical, electronic and automation engineering studies at Transilvania University (17) - setting up new long-lasting partnerships.
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