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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Promoted by the training organization INSUP FORMATION, the project PRIMERA+ proposes the implementation of a comprehensive mobility scheme to vocational training beneficiaries from the applicant organization and its subsidiary ALTEA FORMATION. In view of the internationalization of the institution and improvement of its training offer, the objective is to provide several options for mobility training to three target groups: 1 – Vocational training staff from the 2 sending partners, who will go on 1-week mobility programmes in Europe to participate in training modules for trainers, visits for professionals or shadowing missions with counterparts in other training or integration entities or in businesses. The expected results for the 12 beneficiaries planned are skills improvement, identification of best practices and staff re-dynamisation for greater efficiency and a renewed vision of their educational mission In addition, 2 grants will allow the most volunteer staff members to go on a teaching mission abroad. 2 – VET trainees from qualifying modules provided by INSUP, especially those dealing with trade and customer service: tourism, hotel and catering or communication, will have the opportunity to do their final internship abroad: 20 trainees will go on a 4-week placement in a foreign company, and 10 beneficiaries on a 8-week placement. 3 - Recent graduates of less than one year and first-time job seekers will have the possibility to participate in 13-week mobility placements in businesses. This target group of 50 beneficiaries includes: - INSUP FORMATION recent graduates with diplomas from level V to III - ALTEA FORMATION recent graduates holding Higher Technical diplomas - Recent graduates from other institutions holding diplomas from levels V to I and looking for their first professional experience abroad. For the last two groups, the expected outcomes of mobility are: - the improvement of language skills by immersion, - the acquisition or improvement of professional skills on a work placement - the acquisition of transferable core skills: autonomy, problem-solving, intercultural approach, flexibility, openness to others - Awareness on European citizenship and multiculturalism. Besides INSUP and ALTEA, respectively responsible for project coordination and support, PRIMERA+ will involve a consortium of partners around specific activities: - the different branches of INSUP in the Aquitaine, Poitou-Charentes and Pays de Loire regions will communicate on the action with local partners and potential beneficiaries, - Pôle Emploi, Local Missions and other training prescribers will disseminate information on the action - Business partners abroad will host the program beneficiaries - Partner training organizations abroad will provide support to the less autonomous participants and provide language training in some countries. Information on the program will be provided during presentation meetings followed by interviews and selection tests. INSUP will also be responsible for managing: - The preparation of candidates for mobility (guidance, host company research, administrative work, health insurance, identity...) - Management of logistics (travel arrangements, insurance, installation in the country, contacts with host partners...). - Follow-up of the trainee’s mobility pathway: (placement follow-up with the tutor, personal assistance if needed...) - Administrative management (contracts with the beneficiaries and host companies, training agreements, compilation of reports on project activity). With the project PRIMERA+, INSUP FORMATION hopes to contribute to improve the employability of its beneficiaries, thanks the added-value of international mobility.
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