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Превръщане на добрия европейски опит в ресторантьорството и туризма в печеливш бизнес
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the main problems we are facing as a modern restaurant and tourism industry is the organization and maintaining a successful business in a rapidly changing market and business environment. The resources that are used in these industries, the human factor is crucial, whose knowledge and skills must be constantly developed and updated. The project is aimed at people in initial vocational education in the field of catering and tourism. The main objective is to provide users from Vocational secondary school of Agriculture additional professional training in order to be in unison with the latest trends to improve the quality of vocational training and reach the European level. Acquired added value to their training by practice in one of the most attractive with its culinary skills countries such as Italy is, will give them a chance to their realization on the labour market and will help them to become enterprising, knowledgeable and capable young people ready to meet the challenges of a changing business reality. Users, 25 girls and boys studying in Vocational secondary school of Agriculture from ninth to eleventh grade, profession "Restaurants", "Agent in tourism" and "Economist", will hold a two-week practice in the area of Milan with partnership “Most Sas at real work places at the Italian masters of cooking. Students will become familiar with the specifics of Italian cuisine and trends in development of tourism in Italy, methods for analysing of culinary production and identification of the main spices used in Italian cuisine with the product, price, distribution and communication policies in catering and tourism in Italy. They will practice: preparation of the dining halls according to the Italian tradition; design of products and culinary culture of the arts of laying the table; preparation of typical Italian appetizers, main dishes, dietary, kids meals and desserts; organizing and conducting entertainment animation programme; reception, accommodation, counselling and sending visitors according to traditions and innovations; behaviour in society and serving a table, mastering activities in hotel-front offices, reservations, housekeeping. The beneficiaries will learn to be creative and generate ideas for successful business using interactive methods. The mobility will affect the students’ thinking, mind and behaviour will improve their eating habits for healthy feeding, their attitude towards the environment. The two-week practice will help users realize that the maintenance, upgrading of qualification and skills to plan its development for a long period, is the decisive factor for success in their future realization. The learned knowledge and acquired skills will help users to develop a flair for the new and searches will help them become a specialized and highly skilled manpower that will contribute to development of the touristic branches at the regional level, which will revive the economy of the region of Chirpan and the good traditions will be saved and developed. We expect beneficiaries to become more proactive and open to innovations; to improve their communication in a foreign language, their multicultural awareness, their motivation for higher education; to influence their peers in building attitudes to effective learning and development. Contacts created during the mobility will allow our students to exchange ideas, good practices and achieve useful cooperation. Practice will end with certification - Europass Mobility. Acquired knowledge and experience will provide users matching their professional training and the requirements of the labour market in the current and perspective plan.
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