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PREVENT - develoP a tRaining programmE to improVE work zoNe safeTy

Construction areas are accident-prone sections of highway. The PREVENT project thus seeks to immediately impact upon accident reduction through enhancing the training skills of two types of trainers, driving instructors and those responsible for the training of construction sector employees. The project will develop and pilot two sets of multimedia training tools and will make these freely available on the Internet. Partners are also involved in recommending a framework for European safety standards, but acknowledge that these can take time to implement. The project expects to have more immediate influence on the behaviour of individual employees and supervisors via their trainers, and of new drivers via driving instructors. Each training package will contain: curricula based upon international literature and best practice; a CD-Rom of training materials e.g. video, audio, photo and text, and typical applications adapted to policy and practice in each participating country. Materials will be pilot tested, evaluated and adapted. Final results will be available on-line and in hard copy in five languages (EL, CZ, EN, NL & SI). Project participants being regular advisers of government bodies on road safety matters, plan to disseminate results to key decision-makers, in government and the VET sector, who are in a position to influence the content and amount of safety training provision. Promotional material, an interactive web site, demonstrations and presentations at conferences and journal articles will be complemented by national workshops in the first year and a European workshop towards the end of the project.

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5 Partners Participants