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prevent accidents and to promote environmental education (PLANETA AZUL)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Feb 6, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Even today, few people measure the environmental impact of their activities. However, the diversification of pollution and the thoughtless use of non-renewable sources of energy make it indispensable to protect the environment and our natural resources. In these circumstances, PA is intended to alert the population in order to save the planet. By involving the family, the school environment, the competent authorities and the media, the partners hope to address the problem in a lateral and multi-disciplinary manner. But the main objective of PA is to make children aware of the dangers and negative consequences of certain types of behaviour on the environment. Achievements: ✔ Preparation of the exhibition and activity week contents. These elements have been updated as the project progressed. ✔ Design and creation of the exhibitions, and of material aimed at animating activities in the area, and also updates and maintenance. ✔ Meetings to prepare the exhibition with the local authorities and schools concerned. ✔ Dissemination and promotion through advertising campaigns, media contacts and information campaigns. ✔ Awareness campaigns and seminars (2,491 participants in the workshops and training sessions, 530 participants in the seminars). ✔ Exhibitions (in the three countries: Portugal, Ireland and France). ✔ Activity and exchange weeks. ✔ Many working meetings have been organised in Portugal for the technical follow-up and the preparation of progress reports. ✔ A travelling exhibition to illustrate the concerns of the project. ✔ A manual (teachers and students), posters (online), brochures, etc. ✔ 2 websites: 1. 2. ✔ Many press articles, especially about the exhibition.

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  • 55.6%   1 075 313,16
  • 2000 - 2006 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants