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Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description PrestoPRIME resulted in a range of tools and services and in a Competence Centre for the long-term preservation of and access to digital audio-visual content.Audiovisual content collections are undergoing a transformation from archives of analogue materials to very large stores of digital data. As time-based digital media and their related metadata are edited, re-used and re-formatted in a continuously evolving environment, the concept of the unique original loses its meaning and dynamic processes are required that can preserve indefinitely not only the audiovisual signal but also its evolving associations, context and rights.\\n\\nPrestoPRIME researched and developed practical solutions for the long-term preservation of digital media objects, programmes and collections, and sought ways to increase access to them. The project activities were guided by four objectives:\\n\\n\\nto research and develop means of ensuring the permanence of digital audiovisual content in archives, libraries, museums and other collections; \\nto research and develop means of ensuring the long-term future access to audiovisual content in dynamically changing contexts; \\nto integrate, evaluate and demonstrate tools and processes for audiovisual digital permanence and access;to establish a European networked Competence Centre to gather the knowledge created through the research collaboration and share it with the stakeholder community.\\nResultsThe project developed a number of technical solutions for managing the preservation of audiovisual contents, from risk management to content quality and corruption control measures, from tools for supporting audiovisual migration to multivalent preservation methods using federated services for distributing and storing content. It has created metadata conversion and validation services, a novel and efficient process for metadata vocabulary alignment, and services for user-generated content annotation. A novel rights management system and an audiovisual fingerprint registry make it possible to track and manage content at all stages of its lifecycle, in all contexts of use. These solutions were integrated within two integration frameworks : P4 - the open source PrestoPrime Preservation Platform, and Rosetta - a commercial preservation system. These results were demonstrated in a number of public events and test workshops.\\n\\nThe research work was accompanied by activities for community building, knowledge dissemination and training, and important contributions to the standardisation of technology related to multimedia preservation and access in MPEG and the W3C.\\n\\nOne of the sustainable results of PrestoPRIME is an online competence centre, called PrestoCentre. The PrestoCentre is a membership-driven organisation that brings together a global community of stakeholders in audiovisual digitisation and digital preservation to share, work and learn. PrestoCentre works with experts, researchers, advocates, businesses, public services, educational organisations and professional associations to enhance the audiovisual sector's ability to provide long-term access to cultural heritage.

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