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“PRESET” Participation, Resilienz and Employability through Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Training
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth unemployment is an acute problem both in developed and developing countries and constitutes the predominant reason for social exclusion and poverty. Moreover, climate change and environmental degradation pose additional pressure especially on the future generation. For tackling these global developments, all societies are challenged to better exploit the huge potential offered by the younger generations in order to attain sustainable and inclusive growth. In this respect, the overall objective of the action is to alleviate youth unemployment and marginalization of youth with fewer opportunities in Europe and Latin America by fostering cooperation and exchange of good practice for promoting economically and environmentally sustainable youth entrepreneurship. The project will be implemented by 7 youth and civil society organisations from EU (DE, IT, HR, SI) and LA (BR, AR, BO) which mainly work at grass roots level with disadvantaged youth. Main activities comprise 2 youth exchanges and 5 mobilities of youth workers to EU and LA, the delivery of online trainings with youth workers on sustainable entrepreneurship and media usage, a job shadowing mission to AR and the organisation of a final conference in AR with relevant stakeholders from youth work, education, politics, administration and businesses.The consortium will jointly develop innovative educational and training contents, namely a web based eLearning resource “Youth Business 2.0” for youth workers, youth & multipliers containing good practice, training modules and other practical tools and an app for young people on the theme of “Sustainable Entrepreneurship” providing a comprehensive knowledge base and interactive learning tools (e.g. a business smart phone app).The project will actively support young people in the acquisition of transversal skills, such as entrepreneurship, digital skills, multicultural competencies and environmental awareness, which will improve their livelihood prospects and reduce the risk of social and economic exclusion. Youth workers and youth will be equipped with key competencies and entrepreneurial skills enabling them to better take advantage of opportunities and to develop and use their human capital for improved livelihood prospects and self-development. Transfer of good practice for promoting youth entrepreneurship will improve quality and effectiveness of services and facilities for young people with fewer opportunities in the partner contexts and the entire field of youth work.In addition, transnational collaboration and mobility will foster scaling up of good practice and innovation at both the national and international levels ensuring a real impact of interventions. In the middle term, the number of sustainable youth enterprises and opportunities for self-employment is expected to rise among the globe making a positive contribution to socio-economic development and inclusive growth.

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