Preserve Key Forest Habitats of the Lesser Spotted.. (LIFE for Eagles Fore..)
Preserve Key Forest Habitats of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) in Bulgaria
(LIFE for Eagles Forests)
Start date: Jul 1, 2013,
End date: Jul 2, 2018
The Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) is classified as a globally threatened species. Bulgariaâs population of the Lesser Spotted Eagle represents the southern tip of the speciesâ distribution and thus its conservation status is important for its overall population range. Bulgarian habitats for the Lesser Spotted Eagle also act as important parts of the birdâs migration route along the second largest flyway in Europe â Via Pontica.
The projectâs main objective is to support the long-term conservation status of the Lesser Spotted Eagle by securing the protection and sustainable management of the forest habitats that are crucial for its existence. This goal will be achieved by carrying out a series of actions in 16 Natura 2000 sites, which will involve:
Strengthening the strategic planning framework that guides the conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle and its key breeding and hunting grounds;
Maintaining and enhancing feeding, breeding and roosting habitats for the priority Lesser Spotted Eagle through developing and deploying a model for sustainable forest management;
Reducing the detrimental effects of unintended disturbance and direct persecution of the Lesser Spotted Eagle;
Enhancing public understanding of and support for the conservation of priority bird species, their habitats and the wider Natura 2000 sites that are crucial for their long-term existence.
Expected results:
The project is expected to strengthen the strategic planning framework for the raptorâs conservation by developing a revised, published and endorsed National Action Plan for the Lesser Spotted Eagle. This will include the elaboration of a GIS model infrastructure and a feasibility study on integrating the traditional field inventory with new geospatial technologies.
Feeding, breeding and roosting habitats for the target species will be enhanced and managed through a new Habitat Distribution Model involving the development and application of a national methodology for establishing an inventory of biodiversity features covering approximately 80 000 ha. In addition, one forest will be registered for organic honey production, with 1% of the revenue from the apiculture products being returned to forest conservation. One Forest-environmental measure and one Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive Payments measure will be officially adopted and included in Bulgariaâs Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020. Three forest extension services will contribute to the project and a conservation measure for birds will be introduced into the curriculum of forestry university students.
Detrimental effects of unintended disturbance and direct persecution will be reduced through a coordinated set of conservation operations including: establishing a stakeholder network; the mapping of target specieâs nests within 16 SPAs; identifying 10 stop-over sites and temporary settlement areas for the birds; raising awareness in key Bulgarian institutions about the importance of bird crime, especially in relation to the target species; improving cooperation with organisations and experts dealing with bird crime issues; addressing threats caused by forest operations and other issues for 20 pairs of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in Bulgaria.
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