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Preservation and spread of the corsican moufflon populations within Corsica (MOUFFLON)
Start date: Aug 1, 2003, End date: Jun 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Corsica and Sardinia house the only natural population of the "Corsican Mouflon" (Ovis gemelini musinom), species listed under the annexes II and IV of the Habitats directive. In 1827, the Corsican population was estimated to 2200 individuals, but during the 20th century, the population dropped to 500. Despite the full protection status of the species since 1956, the population is smaller than expected and now, only 1000 individuals can be found. Poaching, human disturbances through sport and leisure activities, disease from domestic sheep livestocks and fires are identified as the main causes considerably limiting the population increase. Moreover, the Corsican Mouflon population is split into two unconnected nuclei. Such isolation makes the species status in Corsica even more at threat. Objectives The project aims at the preservation of the whole population of the Corsican Mouflon (Ovis gemelini musinom var.corsicana). Considering the long-term effort necessary to carry out a reinforcement programme of wild ungulates from captive breeding, this LIFE project will mainly contribute to launch the programme during the first 5 years. It will be continued after the end of LIFE, following the conclusions drawn out in the "Mouflon Action Plan" to be established. The expected results are the increase of the population, the extension of the spreading area in order to reconnect both nuclei and the creation of an effective monitoring network for the species at a regional scale. To reach these objectives, the following actions are planned: Building a captive breeding centre made up of two pens able to house 30 breeding individuals caught in the wild to constitute a sire stock; Producing 10 to 20 mouflons per year starting from winter 2006-07 for its later release in the wild to reinforce the existing populations cells and create new ones; Carry out a healthy monitoring of the individuals released (equipped with GPS device); Monitoring the wild populations (distribution area, population trend, breeding success) and implement a close surveillance by mixed squad involving representatives of the different competent organisms; Establishing appropriate management agreements with the users in order to reduce the disturbances (wild boar hunting, sport and leisure in nature); Organising education and awareness-raising activities; Setting up a steering committee involving the partners and French and Sardinian specialists of the mouflon, which will lead the project and will be in charge of elaborating and validating a "Mouflon Action Plan".
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