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Preparando la expansión del bilingüismo y la internacionalización de nuestro centro: formación en gestión de proyectos europeos, metodologías motivadoras y cultura emprendedora.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As a first approach, and taking into account the constant process of analysis developed in forums such as the Pedagogical Coordinator Technical Committee or the meetings of the staff participating in the Bilingual Programme, we have analysed and identified the most important needs of our institution, which are detailed in our European Development Plan. Related to these needs, the main objectives of this project are: - Supporting the school internationalisation process and fostering the European dimension -Improving managing skills related to international projects - Fostering our students' entrepreneurship - Improving the staff competences in CLIL methodology in given subjects - Improving the staff competences in foreign languages - Making the students recognise the foreign languages as a necessary element for integration in a global society To achieve the goals we have set the following mobility activities: -A job shadowing period in a Secondary School in Austria -Participation in two structured courses abroad, being the following: "One week course for teacher of Art & Design at Primary and Secondary Level ", International Study Programmes (Colchester, UK). “Teaching Entrepreneurship in Schools: Experiential approach", Skupina First (Ljubljana, Slovenia). Some of the teachers selected to take part in the activities are involved in the Bilingual Programme and other various managing committees in our school, their level of competence in English is at least B2, and have been selected based on several criteria specified before in this form. To achieve the desired impact both in the short and long run, besides the mobility activities being successful themselves, a series of analysis and project results evaluation activities will be carried out, as well as a dissemination strategy both internally in our school (using the intranet, developing resources and activities available for the rest of the staff) and externally (Bilinguals’ Platform blog, local staff training centres, school website, etc.). We consider that this project will result in important qualitative steps towards the internationalization strategy and the progressive implementation of the Bilingual Programme in our school, as well as contribute to the improving of success rates among our students. We will also have better and greater opportunities allowing the implementation of cooperation relations with other centres that guarantee the sustainability of the process.
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