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Preorientacja, Przedsiębiorczość, Praca
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Specific problems the project wants to solve: - low level of economic knowledge and competence of junior high school students in Poland confirmed by survey within the framework of the project; - high level of early school leaving in Portugal (over 20.8% in 2012) – report “Improving Employment Opportunities in the Labour Market for Marginalised Communities” and also low economic activeness of teenagers; - practical competence of Polish and Portuguese teenagers are below the average in OECD countries – according to PISA test from April 2014 Polish and Portuguese teenagers cannot apply the knowledge they possess to solve everyday problems; - German students, including Realschule ones, have lower competence in maths and natural sciences than the Polish teenagers, but they are better at applying their knowledge in practice – PISA test results, April 2014 - the need for transferring well-tried solutions, good practice and teaching methods as well as the necessity of developing teachers’ abilities of working in multicultural groups The main problem: considerable difference in the quality and results of preparing students to function on EU job market Specific project objectives: - 24 teachers will be given opportunity to gain practical competence in job orienteering, entrepreneurship and applying knowledge in practice; - 10 educational projects on job orienteering and entrepreneurship using ICT and OZE technologies will be created - 24 teachers will gain knowledge of the needs of modern companies concerning competence and practical knowledge of students - companies will gain knowledge of education systems in countries participating in the project - zmniejszenie zagrożenia wypadnięciem uczniów z systemu edukacji przez jej upraktycznienie - the risk of early school leaving from education system will be reduced by making the learning and teaching process more practical Main project objective: to reduce the disproportion in preparing students to choose their professions and function on the job market in countries participating in the project There will be conducted three parallel groups of activities: - lokalne działania merytoryczne (warsztaty, seminaria, spotkania, konferencje), - local substantive activities (workshops, seminars, meetings, conferences) - virtual substantive activities (teleconferences, online workshops, social networks, websites, YouTube) - international meetings, seminars and mobilities combined with drawing up lesson plans Project results: - 24 teachers will gain unique competence and practical experience in the field of fostering entrepreneurship and job orienteering, on the basis of needs and experience of modern companies - 24 teachers will gain skills of making education more practical in order to facilitate students’ abilities of putting specific knowledge into practice - 10 lesson plans on entrepreneurship, job orienteering and practical knowledge application will be created in cooperation with modern companies
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