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Première Expérience Européenne Professionnelle
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

My First Professional European ExperienceLEGTA Auch Beaulieu Lavacant, North Shropshire College and Znojmo Highschools welcome students who socially might be distant from European mobilities.During the first term of their final secondary vocational or technical school year (food processing, agronomy, services in rural areas), the project selects six French students considering their motivation and further curriculum. Therefore a practice training of 2 weeks is settled in the welcome country, led by the welcoming school in close partnership with its enterprises net.The preparation of the mobility is opened to the 6 students selected for this program as well as students in the waiting list. A facebook group, gathering students, staff involved, partners and their students, is created to facilitate the communication prior to the first mobility.Reciprocity is the base of our partnership in order to allow students to develop contacts with young Europeans before and after mobilities.This program is developped to break the barriers that our students often face with European mobilities and to develop their self-confidence, mainly about their ability to communicate and cope in a foreign language speaking context, while developping new vocationnal skills.Auch Beaulieu Lavacant is an active member of Erasmip Consortium. The school is convinced by the benefits of a 12-week practice training abroad for HND students (2 first years of university studies). The school therefore truly believes that a 2-week vocational mobility during the last secondary school year is crucial. The mobility in itself, like the Europass mentionning vocational skills as well as socializing abilities developped, are great experience and tools to open our students to longer European mobilities.Settling this mobility in the very start of the last secondary school year should also allow students to disseminate their experience through workshops we will organize with their school mates and the youngest ones, potentially applying for this program the following year.These mobilities are valorized in local papers and on the school facebook page and website as well as on our national tool settled to develop international contacts, share of experiences and a positive professional visibility of our students on the web. Widely disseminating these experiences of early professional life is essential to develop awareness of the benefits a European vocational mobility develops, mainly on post-secondary studies and employment opportunities.Eager to settle in our school a strong culture of Vocational European Mobilities for the youngest, this two year program is also the opportunity to build new partnerships with strong links that will allow a wider number of secondary students to benefit from European mobilities in a near future while accompanying new colleagues eager to get more involved in international cooperation.
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2 Partners Participants