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Prema modernoj europskoj školi
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The one-year programme ''Towards the Modern European School'' will be carried out in a large vocational school of a regional significance that educates students in the field of building, medicine and agriculture. The need for the improvement of quality, modernisation and internationalisation is part of School Development Plan and it is oriented towards two goals: to prevent students of lesser capabilities from leaving school early and to encourage talented students to continue their education at faculties of technology, natural sciences and medicine. Our intention is to send 12 members of our school staff (10% of overall number of school staff) on professional trainings and a whole range of structural seminars. These members will initiate changes at our school. The plan of quality improvement is comprehensive because it includes teachers of basic general subjects, teachers of the preparatory phase in technical school, our expert assistants: a psychologist and a pedagogue, the manager of our team for quality and the coordinator of EU projects in our school. The training encompasses various topics: the implementation of computer technologies into education, experimental approach to studying, coping with conflict, to the improvement of skills in foreign languages or in the field of geography, geology, ecology, classical languages, art and math. The improved management skills, the rational organisation of the work at school, modernisation and the enrichment of teaching, the implementation of new curricula, improved language and IT skills of our employees will contribute to interesting, quality and attractive teaching. The number of students who finish school, find a job and become responsible members of society will rise. The academic success of our students on SAT tests and the number of students who enrol at colleges they want as a logical continuation of their professional education will also rise. Motivated teachers will encourage students to active and creative participation in their general education and in building up their personalities into self-confident, communicative young people who are prepared for lifelong learning and who speak foreign languages, support multiculturalism, appreciate differences and want to be part of contemporary European processes. The school will become recognised by encouraging success and care for every student, promoting European values and by the influence in the local community and region.
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