Search for European Projects

Pratiques professionnelles à l'étranger
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The opening to Europe is an essential challenge in the training of young students either in schools or higher education. Sainte Catherine, our school, located in Le Mans, has already offered numerous opportunities to students in terms of training experience abroad. Our school of 800 students trains in the domains of Commerce/Selling; Hospitality/Catering; Baking/ Pastry Baking and Fashion and Clothes designing. We are applying for an ERASMUS + project in order to develop all these sections. We rely on the solid contact we have with the Swedish school in Linköping to mutually exchange with our Commerce and Catering sections. The real start of our cooperation was the mobility of 8, 5 then 10 Swedish students in 2013 and 2014. This enabled us to greet 2 Swedish colleagues and to set up moblities for our Commerce section. Our experience of January 2015 was a great success which leads us to develop the project for 2016. The initial step will be with the first year students who will “virtually” exchange on their professional practices with Swedish students. It will result in the sending of power point presentations and films in English from students of both sides. The second step will take place in October 2015. We’ll greet, here in Le Mans, a group of Swedish students who will have a 2 weeks practice in a company (food store, shops…). They will be accommodated in the families of the students who exchanged with them and also in a hostel. The third step is the departure of a group of 15 French students who will perform a work experience of 4 weeks in Sweden (from 4 to 30 of January). These students will then be in their second year Commerce - and we can consider that their preparation started in November 2015. They will be accommodated in families and in the Valla Hostel. The day to day follow up of their training will be assured by the Swedish teachers on the spot. Back to France, their experience will be valued through exposés to other classes of the same level of studies and also through photo montages, power point presentations and films …etc. Their objective will be to put in perspective the different professional practices (commercial activities, hygiene and security). The final step is getting the Europass and the validation of the facultative option “Mobility” on their “Baccalauréat professionnel” diploma. The expected benefits are numerous: going abroad…it seems common but in reality, every year, many students admit they never went to Paris! Gaining fluency in oral English which could help for their exam, gaining in autonomy, maturity and sense of responsibilities… The prestige of the school is also very important. It is our responsibility to give our students the opportunity to live this opening.

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