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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A project: "Foreign apprenticeship as means to employment" has been prepared by The Centre for Vocational and Lifelong Training No 1 in Gliwice, in cooperation with the German company VITALIS Betreuungsgesellschaft für Modellprojekte mbH. The aim of the project is to increase language, professional and interpersonal skills of 28 students studying in The Centre for Vocational and Lifelong Training No 1 in Gliwice, thus enabling personal and professional development in the future.The specific objectives of the project include: - improving foreign language skills (English and German) and increasing students' motivation to learn languages; - broadening students’ knowledge and skills, consistent with their education;- broadening students' knowledge of German culture and customs, as well as developing tolerance and openness in intercultural relations; - increasing interpersonal skills of project participants and their personal development;- helping students to acquire working experience in multicultural environment. Participation in the project will increase students’ value on the European labor market and reduce the likelihood of future unemployment. In addition, The Centre for Vocational and Lifelong Training No 1 in Gliwice will increase its recognition in the local environment and will expand their cross-border activities. The project will also improve the quality of school work and its employees. The project participants will be 28 students of second grade, enrolled as: - economic technician - 10 students;- hospitality technician - 5 students; - tourist services technician - 5 students;-nutrition and catering services technician - 8 students. During the project students will have linguistic and cultural support aimed at preparing them for mobility, which will take place April 23 - May 20, 2017 (including 2 travel days). During their stay in Germany the participants will be accompanied by two guardians – teachers of The Centre for Vocational and Lifelong Training No 1 in Gliwice. Upon completion of the mobility, students together with their teachers and the team coordinating the project will publish and publicize its results. The project: „Foreign apprenticeship as means to employment” shall result in – among others – the increase of participants’ knowledge, practical and language skills, will also raise their self-esteem, self-confidence and motivation to learn. Participation in the project will also increase their interest in other cultures and enable students to develop the ability to establish contacts with people of other nationalities. At the end of the project, students will receive certificates confirming their participation. Several European tools shall be used in the project such as the European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and Europass Mobility. Preparatory classes will also familiarize students with the Europass CV.
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