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“Praktyki zagraniczne toruńskich uczniów inspiracją do racjonalnego modelowania zasobów naturalnych”
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The institution applying for the implementation of the project is Zespół Szkół Inżynierii Środowiska in Toruń, whereas the partner institution is the Center Biotehnike in Turizma Grm Novo mesto, Slovenia and Vitalis Betreuungsgesellchaft für Modellprojekte mbH .The summary of the project:- the participants in the project will be students of the third year of the Landscape Architecture and Renewable Energy subject;- two groups of 15 students each and 1 attendants will be sent for the practice;- the practice will take place in the Center Biotehnike in Turizma Grm Novo mesto, Slovenia and in German companies recommened by Vitalis Betreuungsgesellchaft für Modellprojekte mbH;- the planned date of the project is April/May 2017 (Slovenia) and 28th May -24th June 2017(Germany);- the main aim of the project is for our students to obtain practical qualifications in accordance with the valid curriculum in the field the landscape architecture and renewable energy together with constant improvement of the English / German language (both everyday and vocational)- the project not only is tightly connected with the extension of the knowledge and competences gained at school but also will help to varify them in the new conditions offered by the practice programme in Slovenia and Germany, taking the cultural background into consideration;- the aim is to learn not only through observation, documentation, engagement and consious activity but also through work;- in the project, there will be applied : Europass certificates and the ECVET system. The hosting institution assesses the learning outcomes (given in units) validates their results by different types of certificates. After the mobility, the sending institution validates and recognises the learning outcomes achieved abroad and written in the individual description of the outcomes of a student. The process is carried out by signing Memorandum of Understanding and Learning Agreements. - apart from improving the practical competences of our students, the aim of the project is to extend the scope of the European job market and increase the chances of employment of the young in Poland and other European countries;- the participation in the project will be a perfect opportunity to exchange experience, learn self-reliance and spacial imagination and finding new professional partners as well as building solid grounds of international cooperation to extend the scope of influence of VET projects to a new 'profile' - technician of environmental engineering and land improvement;- the project will influence the attractiveness of the school and the curriculum of the vocational subjects and will raise the prestige and bring the teaching/learning process to a more European level, which will change the the way the school is perceived in the local market and among students of "gimnazjum". And last but not least, we would like our students to become more sensitive to the beauty of the surrounding nature and green areas, keeping in mind how important the lanscape architecture and renewable energy sources are.
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