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Praktyki w Londynie - pierwszym szczeblem kariery zawodowej.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Within the framework of the project the students of the second grade of the Economic Technical School in Czchow served an apprenticeship in the Training Centre in Plymouth in Great Britain. During the training the students were introduced to the work organization of the company which was set up for a training purpose, used the information techniques on their individual job positions, extended and checked in practice the abilities gained in the training process, familiarized themselves with the peculiarity of market economy and compared the economic systems in Poland and Great Britain. The solutions accepted in Great Britain's economy and the models of managing a company in a multicultural society were a real challenge to them. A very important aspect of their visit in the UK was the practical use of the English language in everyday communication. Our students had the opportunity to see a different culture, make friends with some English students and families which had them over in the UK. In its assumptions the project was supposed to support and develop not only professional skills but personal as well, help to overcome the fear of everything that is new and foreign, develop enterprise and show some new areas of the development of professional mobility. Analysing the participants' questionnaire as well as the conversation with them and their teacher during the apprenticeship and after returning home we claim that all these assumptions were fulfilled especially in the participants' self-development area. The experience that was gained during the training period will make our students more attractive on the local and European labour market and will promote the region where they come from. The documents which they received after the stay in the UK will let them apply for the posts which relate to their education. Two groups of students took advantage of the three-week apprenticeship in Plymouth: the first one the 15 students of the second grade of the Technical School left on the 30th March 2015. This group had the opportunity to spend Easter according to the British traditions in their host families. It was an unforgettable experience for them. The second group numbered 15 students too from the second grade of the same school left on the 13th September 2015. The Polish teacher from our school Ms Barbara Brzęk took care of them and from the side of Tellus Group Ms Izabela Zduniuk. The tasks connected with the project were settled by both institutions that is the Secondary School Unit in Czchow and the partnering Tellus Group in Plymouth. The basic tasks of the Secondary School in Czchow were to plan the whole realization of the project, carry out recruitment according to the recruitment commission's rules, inform both sides about that, prepare students for the trip, transport to the airport and back from it. After coming back home going through all formalities connected with promoting the project, working out monitoring results, issuing documents (for example Europass Mobility, the certificates of finishing preparing courses) and accounting for all expenses. From the partnering side institution there was an assurance of accommodation and full board to the students and their teacher, organizing apprenticeship according to the syllabus prepared by the Secondary School Unit in Czchow, monitoring, mentoring, issuing the right certificates, transport to the airport and back from it. The cooperation between both institutions was based mainly on the communication via the Internet and phone calls through which the training organization rules were settled, some problems were solved and some inaccuracies were discussed during the organization and realization of the apprenticeship. The partnering institution has got a very good and constantly improved system of marketing quality and that is the reason why all procedures connected with preparing the project are clear to all sides, for students and their parents, the sending school, employers and families in Plymouth. The project realization in Poland was going according to a specific plan and schedule. The headmaster of the Secondary School Unit and the coordinator supervised the whole thing and the headmaster made a monitoring visit of each group in the UK.
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