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„Praktyki w Irlandii szansą na lepszy start w zawodową przyszłość”
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„Praktyki w Irlandii szansą na lepszy start w zawodową przyszłość” (“Internship in Ireland as a chance for a better start into professional future”) project is addressed to the students of technical school no 2 in Zespół Szkół Budowlanych in Brzozów trained as builders and landscaping architects. Visits will last four weeks during which students will perform their internship in Irish building companies and garden centres. There will be two groups of participants consisting of fifteen and thirteen students respectively. Enriching vocational skills of the students, active usage of knowledge gained through education, support of the mobility and entrepreneurship of young people and improvement of language skills are the main aims of the internship project. As an effect of the participation in the internship programme young people will acquire and improve the soft skills as well – team working skills, responsibility, ability to think analytically, self-reliability and the ability to decide on their own are the few examples. Possibility to gain international experience in another EU country will be the opportunity to develop the European consciousness and to experience the benefits of EU membership personally. Internship abroad will result in strengthening the school’s position in the local educational environment.

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