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Praktyka zawodowa w Anglii, Hiszpanii i Grecjii szansą lepszego startu zawodowego dla uczniów Zespołu Szkół nr 2 w Sanoku
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is a continuation and is complementary to the assumptions of the mobility project being currently done in the Erasmus+ programme, and just completed mobility project in Leonardo da Vinci programme. The project participants will be 48 students from technical school of ZS No. 2 in Sanok, studying to become telecommunications technican, mechanic technician, automotive technician, environmental protection technician and a car mechanic and 6 teachers of vocational education. Students will take an apprenticeship in workplaces and companies corresponding to their field of study in The UK, Spain and Greece There will be three groups of students going abroad. in September 2017 16 students- mechanic technicians and automotive technicians- will go on a 4-week- training to the UK and 16 pupils- telecommunications technicians and environmental protection technicians will leave for 4-week vocational training in companies in Spain. In March 2018, another group of 16 students will go on a 2-week apprenticeship to Greece. The programs have been developed in close connection with the guidelines of apprenticeship programs based on the curriculum of particular professions, but are to be implemented on the basis of modern facilities and equipment, and focus on learning new technologies and to develop skills particularly desired by the local labor market. Within the project 6 ZS2 vocational teachers will participate in the training as supervisers. The project is a response to a problem which occurred in our school: poor recruitment to school, poor school performance, and consequently poor performance in professional examinations and Matura examinations. As a result, fewer students continue their education after secondary school, and not even all of them take the exams. After examining the problem we tried to solve it on many levels, but in-depth analysis in the form of interviews and surveys showed that the primary cause of failure is lack of motivation for learning, lack of faith in students' own abilities and lack of prospects for the future. An additional problem is a nationwide trend, which is the popularity of general education over vocational training among junior high school students. To change this situation, we have developed a project whose main goal is to increase students' motivation to develop knowledge and improve skills, gain new skills, improve language skills- mostly English , increase the mobility of participants, increase their chances on European and national labor market, increase self-esteem, increse intercultural competences, improve the quality and attractiveness of vocational education in the school and in the region, prevent early school leaving and reduce failure in education. the teachers will develop their skills in the diagnosis of pupils' needs and learn more attractive teaching meathods. The cooperation will contribute to the exchange of best practices, gaining experience through practical activities and ability to cooperate at the international level. The most important results of the project will include obtaining Europass Mobility certificate , obtaining ECVET points, acquiring new skills, improving language skills and filling in the European Language Passport, increasing the mobility of participants, increasing students' chances on European and national labor market, increasing self-esteem and motivation to learn, which will help to reduce the number of early school leavers, learn intercultural competences among students and teachers, improve the quality and attractiveness of vocational education in the school and in the region, as well as the preparation to the strategic partnership in the future.

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