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Praktyka zawodowa drogą do sukcesu na europejskich rynkach pracy
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Internship as a Successful Way to the European Job Market is a project prepared for 72 students of our school Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych (ZSE) in Wołomin educated in the fields of logistics,economics,trade and advertising.It is going to be realized between 2015 and 2017 in cooperation with partners from Great Britain-Training Vision Ltd. and Italy-Sistema Turismo S.R.L. (both companies work within ETN Network).The partners' experience assures reaching the targets aimed by the project. The key objective is improving students' professional competence through their participation in internships which will eventually result in growing opportunities on regional and European job markets.The other goals are:establishing international cooperation in the field of internship organization, the increase of professional training quality, gathering new experiences, language competence improvement among teachers and students, equalization of opportunities for poor students,improvement of entrepreneurial and pro-European attitudes,enforcing school reputation and its position on the market. The number of beneficiaries during 4 mobilities:72 students and 8 teachers. Participants' characteristic features:origination from a small town/village,low per person income in the family,high average grade in professional subjects and the English language, positive assessment in behaviour, the school attendance and social activity. Activities will take place in three stages: I.Preparation: establishing mutual cooperation with partners, writing an application by ZSE, making agreements with National Agency and Partners, recruitment and students preparation (familiarization with goals, requirements and the internship itinerary, English classes, professional advising, history and culture of a hosting country), a preparation visit of ZSE representatives to Great Britain and Italy. II.Practice: leaving for specified places of internship by students and teachers,realization of tasks according to the itinerary, including internship in specified companies from Monday to Friday (15 days),assistance,support and ensuring free time activities in accordance with the itinerary (excursions,local environment recognition, experiences exchange), internship monitoring through settled forms of contacting with partners (once a week or more often if necessary), return home. III.Project accomplishing: preparation of a summary report after each mobility,project accounting, evaluation (partly after each mobility, in full after the end),dissemination of information about effects and benefits resulted from the project ( information about the project in media, an information stand about the project held during the Secondary Schools Exchange and the School Open Day for middle-school-students and their parents, organizing the Italian Day and the British Day at school,“Memories from Great Britain and Italy”-an open meeting for inhabitants of Wołomin in the Wodiczko Family Commemoration Chamber in Wołomin), a conference with employers presenting students' improvement and gathered experiences. The applicants assume that thank to internship the students will: -gain some experience and professional abilities; -obtain some knowledge about the hosting company, its organizational structure, the management system, communication rules, every position specificity; -familiarize with some recent methods of company image creation and marketing strategies; -acquire some newest technologies used in a branch, devices, methods of production or services delivery; -achieve abilities of practical English use (including professional language); -gain social and adaptation skills which ease cooperation in a team in the field of resolving everyday problems, understanding and tolerance for other team members; -increase their own opportunities on job markets; -familiarize with mechanisms ruling on the European job market so that they will be able to plan their own career path adequately to the market needs; -learn the culture, tourist, historical and economic values, different customs, traditions and lifestyle of the British or the Italian; -improve their self-confidence; -acquire social skills through establishing interpersonal relations which can influence their career in the future. The applicants count on long-term cooperation with other EU partners through new projects in the future. Thank to this idea our school can become a modern institution using latest teaching methods, effective solutions in professional training, improving teachers and students' competences, closely cooperating with local employers. We hope that our participation in EU projects will allow our students to develop their study motivation, which will eventually result in their better achievements at school.Thank to these long-term benefits the school will become more competitive on the educational market and its number of students will increase while its graduates will be more successful on regional job markets.

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