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Praktyka zagraniczna - efektywną metodą rozwoju kompetencji zawodowych i społecznych uczniów technikum.
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Quick changes, which are taking place in the European economy , create the need for suitable preparation of young people and adjusting their skills to these changes. The partners taking part in the project are Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących i Zawodowych (Secondary and Vocational School Complex) and Practical Educational Centre F+U Sachsem GmbH in Chemnitz. The main activity in the project is organizing 4-week internship in the training centre in Germany, for: – the third grade students from Vocational Technical School for Hotel Industry and from Vocational Technical School for Catering Services from 3rd -30th April 2016. – the second grade students from Vocational Technical School for Economics and Vocational Technical School for Advertising from 8th May to 4th June 2016. The main aim of the project is to develop skills of students and teachers and improve their situation at the labour market. In practical terms , the project supports building partner relationship between the school-ZSOiZ, supporting partners and the host partner- F+U Sachsen GmbH to promote innovation of the education system and building knowledge. In the programme, the meaning of the cross-sectoral cooperation and strengthening the synergy effect between the education sectors and employees/employers is emphasized. The aims of the project are: -improving the quality and effectiveness of the vocational education, -gaining practical, professional skills -using the latest information and communication technology in vocational education, -improving vocational foreign language -increasing the mobility of students and teachers -improvina the attractiveness of vocational education -getting to know cultural heritage of both nations -increasing chances of employment in Poland and abroad The range of topics refers to students getting new skills as well as improving existing competences of potential employees and employers. Students from Vocational Technical School for Catering Services will learn about the European standards of waiter services, eating habits of customers, new technologies of preparing and serving dishes, safety regulations concerning food. They will work in restaurants fitted with modern and professional catering equipment. The topics for the Vocational Technical School for Hotel Industry students include comprehensive service of the hotel guests -individual, groups, Polish and foreign guests, preparing documents concerning the hotel reservations. Topic scope for economy group includes: market analysis, economy law, the procedure of starting business activity, accounting and human resources, purchasing process realisation and storage, preparing ready-made products and goods for sale, organizing the process of sale and marketing activities. Topic scope for advertising group includes: creating media with image editing, working with filters, image editing with using layers and their adjustments, beauty retouching for magazine cover, creating advertising means and mediums, creating advertising offers, developing marketing means, the control of marketing surveys, organising advertising actions, law regulations in Germany especially those concerning advertising. All topics are in accordance with vocational core curriculum in both countries. Classes for the Vocational Technical School for Economic and Vocational Technical School for Advertising will be run in modernly equipped simulation workplaces. Classes for the Vocational Technical School for Catering Services and Vocational Technical School for Hotel Industry will take place in modern workplaces fulfilling European standards. The trainers work on the basis of innovative activating methods with the emphasis on practical classes preluded by a short lecture. The realization of this project will increase the quality of vocational training , promote active attitude among young people, teach cooperation, allow to get to know the culture of both nations, build mutual connection and will improve the skill of communication in German. After the internship acquired skills and knowledge will be diffused among students, local authorities and institutions related to both partners. Obtained certificate and Europass-Mobility will create for the project participants the better opportunity to find a satisfying work in the economy profession, not only in Poland but also on the European labour market. The institutions participating in the project will obtain new knowledge and experience which will result in creating new projects.
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