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Praktyka za granicą jako znaczący element dobrego kształcenia
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Zespół Szkół im. prof. J. Groszkowskiego in Mielcu (ZS) is the project executing organization and the sending establishment in the Erasmus+2016 program. Together with the Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH (SHW) we prepared the project „Praktyka za granicą jako znaczący element dobrego kształcenia”. It will take 21 months (01.06.2016 - 28.02.2018). The amount of participants will be 28 students of our school, trained in technique for hotel business and gastronomical service. 2 groups, each for 4 weeks, will join an abroad internship. The dates are planned for November – December 2016 and October 2017. The partner group includes the school, the main German partner SHW and 7german hotel and gastronomical establishments: Göbels Aquavita, Göbel's Seehotel Diemelsee, Hotel Herzog Georg, Waldschlösschen Wangen, Waldhotel Rennsteighöhe, Waldhotel Berghof and FV-Fleischwaren-Vertriebs-GmbH.Before the departure every group will be prepared intensive in language, behaviour, profession and culture. The school takes care of the safety of the students, ensures an insurance, guarantee the transport to Germany and retour and the tutor of the school, who will stay the whole time in Thuringia. Important documents are the Memorandum of Understanding (between SHW and the school) and the Learning Agreement (between the school, SHW and the work place of the students), using the ECVET system.The main aim of the project is the improving and enlargement of learned professional skills, learning of new competencies and get to know the work in a hotel and gastronomical establishment of the students. The project will based on the ECVET system and will get after the internship an Europass Mobility and an European Language Pass evaluating their professional and linguistical competencies.Through participation the students are broaden their horizons, they will be more open-minded and are prepared for the European job market.With the project the students will develop self-reliance and entrepreneurial spirit, as well as the ability to communicate and collaborate as a group. Young people will have the opportunity to get to know a new culture, mentality and customs of Germany. They also learn to use modern technology for educational purposes (e-learning platform and language learning applications on Smartphones). The aims of the project are based on the objectives of the Erasmus programme + and the Europe 2020 strategy – the project supports for instance the development of key competencies of the participants (entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge of the culture of writing in the Polish language) and multilingualism.The ai of the project will be the increasing of the prestige of our school in the region, which will encourage the students of the Gymnasium to make use of our education offer and the cooperation with the German partners. Thanks to the acquired experience from the project, the teachers will be able to adjust the gained knowledge in the classroom (theoretical and practice lessons) to the requested abilities on the job market.

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