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Praktyka w Niemczech - krok w stronę mojego życia zawodowego
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Das Praktikum in Deutschland - Schritt in Richtung meines Berufslebens" is a mobility project for the students of the Zespoł Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych in Sienno. Persons from rural areas will take part in the project (90% of the school's student are from rural areas). The participants will be students from the 2nd and the 3rd grade from the technical school. They professions they learn are: - technician of hotel business - motor mechanic - logistician The students will visit the foreign country in three groups. The first group will contain 8 technicians of hotel business and 2 motor mechanics. The stay abroad of the first group is planed to be in Frbruary 2016. Two motor mechanics and 4 logisticians will be in the second group. Their stay abroad will be in July 2016. The last group contains 2 motor mechanics and 4 logisticians. Their internship will take be in February 2017. The central measurements of the project are the organisation of the preparation of the stay abroad for the internship in the foreign country. The preparations will contain: 20 lessons in an additional German course, a six-hour course “Zahlen in meinem Beruf”, six-hour course “Teambildung und Bewältigung von Stresssituationen” and an informing meeting with the main German partner about the mental differences. The students will do an internship in a German corporation. These corporations are: Logistik Center Berka GmbH, MG Kfz- & 2Rad Service, Hotel Rennsteig, Ringhotels Neustadt a. d. Orla, Landidyll Linderhof. The main partner and coordinator in Germany will be the Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH. The students will work 20 workdays in the establishments. Their internship will contain 120-160 working hours. In every group there will be a German-speaking carer attending the journey to Germany. During the group's stay in Germany there will be monitoring from the school's head office and a cultural trip to Erfurt or another interesting city. The project will use European instruments and certificates: Europäisches Leistungspunkte - System für berufliche Bildung (ECVET) and the Europass mobility and the Europass language pass. The participants will recieve a German-speaking certificate from the German partner. The main goals of the project are the equalisation of educational opportunities of young people, who live in a village or in a city, the increasing of the participants's key competencies and their professional and linguistic development. The project also wants to achieve an increase of the working quality of the school by using European documents and instruments in it's work. The project will have a long-lasting and positive effect on the development of the local society. By spreading information about the project's results many domestic inhabitants will know about it. The interest in European initiatives will grow. The project will have an impact on the land an Europe because educated workers from the hotel branch and auto-mobile industry and the logistic branch will appear on the job market. Because of their mobility the development of companies in the land and in Europe will be possible. The project was prepared in sight of the needs of the participants, the school and the region (the regional developments strategy of the Woiwodschaft Masowien until 2020) on the basis of the requirements of the development strategy “Europa 2020” and following the priorities of the Erasmus+ program.

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