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"Praktyka w brytyjskich zakładach mechaniki pojazdowej szansą na europejskim rynku pracy"
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project „Vocational training in British garages – a chance to find yourself in the European labour market” is directed at 32 eminent students from a technical college (Zespół Szkół Mechanicznych) in Kielce. This project stands out from others with its transparent and ambitious factual aims. The main goal of this project is upskilling of students in diagnostics and repairing of cars as well as cars service. Students will get to know with the latest digital technologies which are applied in garages and will practice with modern diagnostic tools and raise their ecological awareness. This awareness results from strict European Union’s regulations concerning the level of CO2 emission into the atmosphere. The beneficiaries of the project, thanks to their daily workshops among British mechanics, will raise their level of practical usage of English language, especially when it comes to technical vocabulary items. The participation in the project will also result in increasing awareness of European values, such as being tolerant towards other cultures and languages. What is more, joint effort to create European prosperity or the possibility to work in every European Union member country will be also the outcome of the project. Additionally, the project will improve students’ self esteem as well as increase of awareness of flexibility at free labour market in Europe and enable the beneficiaries to free the spirit of enterprise and their own initiative. The realization of the project consists of three important phases. In the first phase, the intensive preparatory courses will be held for candidates. The curriculum will include cultural background, language skills and a training course concerning avoidance of hazardous behavior which can threaten individual and group safety. The crucial part of the first phase will be preparing both ambitious and real strategy of promotion and dissemination of results in the region and local area. The second phase will consists of vocational trainings of chosen students in garages and vehicle diagnostics in the surrounding of Stafford, UK. Students’ apprenticeship will be supervised by experienced and helpful professionals, who will be chosen from workers of Polaris EU Enterprise Ltd., as well as internship supervisors from the technical college (Zespół Szkół Mechanicznych) in Kielce. During every apprenticeship, monitoring meetings for beneficiaries, professionals, internship supervisors and authorities of Polaris EU Enterprise Ltd. will be held. During these meetings vocational training journals will be checked and partial reports written. The third phase will consists of evaluation, which is crucial for the beneficiaries who would like to gain EUROPASS certificate in order to confirm their acquired qualifications and experience, as well as actions which can help to disseminate this project among both local and regional community as a result of previously prepared strategy. The project “Vocational training in British garages – a chance to find yourself in the European labour market” is aimed at a wide spectrum of benefits and results predicted in strategic objectives of Erasmus+ Programme. Authors of the project plan to emphasize the significance of both EUROPASS certificates and skills as key competences of beneficiaries while promoting and disseminating the project. This project will promote so called European VET (Vocational Education and Training) system and language diversity by teaching and learning foreign languages. The project will enhance international cooperation which contributes to increase in quality and internationalization of educational institutions participating in the project. What is more, this project aims at intensive dissemination of its results in local media and on the Internet as well as during public presentations of the technical college (Zespół Szkół Mechanicznych) in Kielce and during evaluating conferences directed at vocational education in Świętokrzyskie region.

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