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Praktyczne umiejętności i języki obce - Twoje klucze do wejścia na rynek pracy
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Stanisław Staszic’s School Complex in Małkinia Górna within the Erasmus+ programme prepared a project called „Practical abilities and foreign languages – your keys to the entrance of the job market”. It’s a project addressed to the students from our school, who learn such majors as: feeding and gastronomical service technicians and automobile technicians. It assumes an organization of the vocational internship in Thuringia (middle Germany) for 28 students. They will take part in their work practice in two groups, each consists of 14 students + caretaker. In every group there will be 12 feeding and gastronomical service technicians and 2 automobile technicians. Main objectives of this project are the attainment of the vocational experience on the European job market and improvement of the linguistic, vocational and personal competences. Other aims are development of the communication among the participants of the project, interpersonal abilities and personal predispositions. We would like to enhance students’ flexibility and mobility on the European job market within the Erasmus+ programme. The aim of the project is also education of the qualified employees, who along with their effective and high-qualified job will contribute to the development of the European economy and drop of the unemployment rate in Europe in accordance with the assumptions of the Europe 2020 developmental strategy. Foreign internship will be preceded by the intensive preparations in Poland which cover: 50 additional German classes, online language course on the platform prepared by the European Commission, a meeting with the German partner concerning mentality, 10 hours of pedagogical preparation, 6 hours of preparation about German culture and history and also an educational trip in Poland. Moreover, in our project we applied a method of the individual work of the students on the project modules. A stay abroad takes place in May 2015 (1 group) and in May 2016 (2 group). The main German partner and also a central organisation which receives the students in Thuringia is a company Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH. Its management and employees will take care of the participants during their first days of stay in Thuringia and will organise them the places of work in the following institutions: Hotel Rennsteig (in Masserberg), Waldhotel Berghof (in Luisenthal), Göbel`s Sophienhotel (in Eisenach), Toschis Station (in Suhl), Autoland Höhne e.K. (in Suhl) and Hotel Brauhaus zum Löwen (in Mühlhausen). The students will learn their occupations in these small and medium enterprises – they will work 20 days (about 160 hours). They will do such activities: a) feeding and gastronomical service technicians: work in the kitchen: washing, cutting, decorating vegetables and fruits, preparing salads, preparing sauces, dressings and soups, preparing additions and meals from flour, cooking and baking meat, decorating plates and place settings, preparing cold appetisers and keeping their place of work clean. Work in restaurant: preparing buffet/smorgasbord, decorating and cleaning restaurant, laying the table, clearing the table, serving dishes and drinks, polishing glass and cutlery, receiving orders and keeping the place of work clean ; b) automobile technicians: changing the wheels and tyres, balancing the wheels , using tools and machines, diagnosing cars, doing repair works, technical servicing and maintenance of the vehicles and also keeping the place of work clean. Students will have substantive caretakers in their places of work, who will evaluate them using the ECVET system. Within the participation in the work practice students will receive following documents: Europass Language Passport, Europass Mobility, a certificate from the company Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle and a confirmation about the participation in the courses in Poland within preparation process. During the project there will be intensive operations concerning monitoring of the course of the project and also talks and evaluation meetings within the partnership group. After the end of the project the results of it will be publicised i.a presentations, photos, realisation of the module tasks by the participants and the students will also publicise their experience and “soft” results of the project. This project begins in September 2014 and ends in June 2016.
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6 Partners Participants