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Praktische Ausbildung in den Niederlanden
Start date: Oct 26, 2014, End date: Oct 25, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „practical training in the Netherlands” is firmly embedded in the strategic objectives of the educational institution “Berufliche Schule für Sozialwesen der Hoffnungstaler Stiftung Lobetal”. It contributes to increase the attractiveness of the education. The college plans to send 9 students in their 3rd year of training to a language and subject-specific preparation and for practical trainings to institutions for social integration assistance or social educational institutions. The time period will be from 26 October 2014 to 31 March 2015. The Dutch partner institution “ROC van Twente” in Almelo supports this project by providing practical training positions in the towns Baarn, Enschede and Hengelo. This enables the students to get to know modern concepts of social integration assistance within the European framework, to develop their professional and social skills as well as strategies for a life-long learning process. Students of social pedagogy can familiarize themselves with new and recognized modern pedagogical concepts in Europe. They can compare principles of elementary and pre-school education in institutions of both countries Germany and the Netherlands. The future care workers for people with disabilities learn concepts of care oriented on modern central themes and by doing so broaden their practical and individual competences. In the course of the practical training the students shall develop and expand their competences, create and organize educational, care and supervision processes autonomously especially in early childhood and pre-school education. Another central theme of interest for the day to day practice for the future care workers and social education workers is the Dutch approach to inclusion and the practical implementation of the UN Disability Rights Convention in the Netherlands. All participants of the project aim at getting the Dutch vocational qualification certificate in their occupational field. Corresponding agreements between “ROC van Twente” in Almelo and “Berufliche Schule für Sozialwesen“ in Lobetal have been made. “ROC” provides the preparation material and conducts authorized tests of competence. The combination of a German and Dutch vocational training certificate shall enable the students to increase their mobility and chances of obtaining employment on the regional, national and international job market. It guarantees a comprehensive qualification because of the competence comparison in the European context during the project. Among the 9 candidates there is already one student who aims at working abroad after getting his vocational training certificate and considers the project to be a long term preparation. Apart from expanding their professional and social skills students shall learn the Dutch language and familiarize themselves with the Dutch culture and way of life. This contributes to an appreciation of similarities and differences. Since 2011/12 the final examination at “ROC van Twente” also includes the general subjects Dutch and mathematics. Since 2013 this part of the exam is also mandatory for foreign students, which increases the level of efforts to learn Dutch. According to professional school regulations the “Berufliche Schule für Sozialwesen” is obliged to have teachers visit their students at their practical training institutions twice. Parts of these supervising and accompanying visits are work shadowing the students, carrying out seminars accompanying the internship and conducting practical examinations. In this way the project is part of an overall school and educational concept which enables us to integrate and include experiences of the project participants into the education of the students at school, for discussions in class as well as an exchange of experiences among teachers. In the medium term these several month long internships also influence the employers in the region because the alumni of our professional school act as disseminators of their mobility projects and provide care and education alternatives as a basis for discussion and consideration in their future working environment.
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