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Praktisch dual: Mobil und kompetent auf Europas Arbeitsmarkt
Start date: Sep 24, 2016, End date: Sep 23, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project’s target groups are future Industrial Management Assistants, Computer Science and IT Systems Assistants as well as Retail and Media Management Assistants currently completing their initial vocational training, which involves their attending compulsory classes at Max-Weber-Schule in Freiburg, a Commercial College under public law (Berufsschule). Max-Weber-Schule has initiated the project and coordinates a three-week work experience for 30 trainees in Guildford, United Kingdom. The Guildford College of Further and Higher Education is the UK partner organisation responsible for the project realization in England. Participants will work in British companies four days a week while the fifth day is reserved for tailor-made college courses in English and one area of Business Studies relevant for their training. During their stay, participants live with English host families.The work experience is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the organisation of and the processes within a British company. The idea is to involve them consistently in the business’s activities, including their dealing with tasks on their own. At the same time participants experience different approaches to problem solving at a cultural level.The college courses are aimed at improving the participants‘ foreign-language and job skills. Business English classes, for example, complement the respective classes at their German school. Moreover, Business Studies topics relevant to their apprenticeships, such as Marketing, will be taught. A significant focus will always be on bringing to mind cross-cultural differences.The first day after arrival in England will see the participants engage in a cultural programme planned and organised by them ahead of their stay in England. Apart from gaining personal hands-on skills, the idea is to expand their cross-cultural understanding as well as their knowledge of the host country. Preparation of the participants will take place in three different ways. Firstly, their English classes in Germany will provide relevant knowledge ahead of the stay. Secondly, all participants are required to become involved in project work dealing with their upcoming work experience. Finally, additional seminars dealing with the host country, business communication in English and cross-cultural differences will be offered.As part of organising the stay, Max-Weber-Schule’s responsibilities include liaising with the partner organisation (Guildford College of Further and Higher Education), making travel arrangements, taking out insurance as well as validating and budgeting the project. During the first and third weeks of the work experience at least one of Max-Weber-Schule’s project coordinators will be on location in England to ensure smooth running and to visit participants at their workplace.Guildford College is in charge of finding suitable host families and companies. It also provides classes in English and Business Studies and serves as a first port of call should participants require any assistance.It is the project’s objective to foster its participants’ skills and competences with a view to long-term success on an increasingly internationalised labour market. This not only requires improved language skills, but also a further development of personal, social and cross-cultural competences, which will ensue on location as the participants become integrated in life and the world of work in the UK. On the one hand, participants will benefit personally thanks to an increased degree of job flexibility. On the other hand, their current and future employers will benefit indirectly thanks to employees who have gained precious work experience and more open-mindedness towards new situations and different cultures. Hence, the project takes into account the overriding objective of closer integration at a European level.
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