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Praktikum našich oborů v Dolním Sasku
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The submitter and the coordinator of the project is Střední zdravotnická škola, Frýdek-Místek, p.o. 12 pupils of social services and newly pupils of the field of nursing assistant, all attending the 3rd year of their studies, are going to take part in the project in June 2016 and June 2017. The Mobility is organized in specialized social-care facilities. Our goal consists in providing our pupils with a possibility of getting new experience, thus increasing their chances in the labour market. A very important goal is incorporation and subsequent recognition of learning outcomes, i.e. the ECVET system, in both our fields of studies, as we already committed ourselves in our previous application. We believe the ECVET system can improve our school goodwill and attractiveness. Another goal of the project is to gain and extend both vocational and general competences and easier comparability or compatibility of qualifications of our common fields of studies on an international level and for mutual recognition of learning outcomes. Our pupils are being prepared within e-Twinning activities which contribute to their initial motivation and easier fulfilment of our goals. The activities are focused on presentation of our pupils’ videos as well as presentation of extra-curricular activities, and German pupils’ presentation of the field of social care in Lower Saxony. Our pupils cooperate with the German pupils even before their leaving to Germany as we already participate in the German pupils’ mobility; the German pupils perform their monthly practical training here. These activities are a great motivation supporting language skills before pupils are leaving for their vocational placement. The pupils will be divided into two groups in two areas of Lower Saxony. Due to the fact that some pupils are not adult, each group will be accompanied by 1 accompanying person over the whole period of mobility. The participants will take part in their vocational placement simultaneously in 3 towns in Lower Saxony, in social-care facilities for disabled people and senior homes. This vocational placement will last for 3 weeks. The schools cooperate with us very well within the mobility of pupils. German pupils come to our facilities for monthly practical training and they are going to do so in the future. The partner schools cooperate very closely with each other in organization of vocational training for our pupils within the Mobility. Together they take part in development of the programme and vocational and language teaching of our pupils at their schools. German schools also focus on introduction of the ECVET system in both international and local activities. Thus they are our partners for discussion as to more profound cooperation within the ECVET system. The actual execution of mobility for our students will be as follows – three weeks of vocational placement, during a working week: four days in facilities of vocational training of our German partner schools and one day in the classes at our partner schools. They will be supported by German students, contact people and German partner schools as well as the accompanying person. Together they will communicate, discuss and assess the course and progress. Simultaneously we will verify our newly created learning units in the ECVET system during the vocational training. In addition to the vocational aspects of mobility, the programme will be focused also on recognizing the respective region. During the placement, the participants will keep portfolio records, in which they will process their findings and monitor fulfilment of their goals and learning outcomes (ECVET system) as per the respective outlines and goals. Having completed the mobility, the participants will receive the Europass Mobility as a European document, in which data on working experience within the European Mobility will be recorded. They also receive the assessment of learning outcomes within the ECVET system. The placement of Czech participants will be included and recognized as pupils’ vocational training, which is compulsory as per the school educational programme for pupils in the 3rd year of social services. It will also be recognized even for nursing assistants. We are also planning another vocational training with our German colleagues, within which the German pupils will take part in the vocational training in our vocational training facilities and they will attend classes at our school. Thus deepening of our cooperation will be secured naturally. Having completed the placement, the participants will present their findings and experience to other pupils and teachers as well as to employees of our vocational training facilities, who are very interested in this information.
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2 Partners Participants