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Πρακτική άσκηση στην Γρανάδα σε καινοτόμα θέματα
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled «Internships in Granada in innovative themes» submitted by 7 EPAL Patras, in the framework of the Erasmus + 2014, in Action "Mobility learners and staff". It has a total duration of 12 months from 07/01/2014 up to 30/06/2015. The target group is 32 students of Vocational Education and 4 accompany teachers. The participants come from families with low educational and economic status, low opportunities for job carrier. The project will be carried out in two flows, 16 persons in the field of Agriculture and two accompany teachers and 16 persons from the fields of Economy and Information Technology and two accompany teachers, in the City of Granada in Spain and duration of the internship two weeks , during the period from 20/ 02 / 2015 to 04.10.2015 . The proposed program has a key - overall target. The target group participates in action «learning by doing» in real workplaces and acquires innovative knowledge, experience and skills in each area in order to strengthen - improve both the professional development, as and personal development. The individual key targets set to meet the identified needs of the target group and the expected results that are expected of them are: - Acquisition of specialized knowledge, skills and experience in the cultivation of pomegranate and nutmeg, standardization, packaging and promotion of such products (Agricultural sector) and in terms of computerization and electronic advertising (economic sector and IT). The practice will be enhanced with seminar courses in the evening hours by skilled professionalisms from ASOCIACION DE COOPERATIVA DE GRANADA. - Development of personal skills such as self-esteem, teamwork, consistency, planning, etc. . Practicing English - language and partial knowledge of the Spanish language. - Getting to know the culture of the host country. Strengthening multiculturalism and eradicate xenophobia, fear of living - moving to another country. - Qualifications improvement, like Europass and certificates that they will receive. The choice of Spain - Granada, was based on extensive research that was based on the need to cover, the training on cultivation Pomegranate and Nutmeg and Hotel - Tourist infrastructure. The Granada (likely the name comes from the cultivation of pomegranate Granate) has long experience in the cultivation of pomegranate , is the world's second exporting region nutmeg and holds an European record in tourism issues as a steady touristic attraction throughout the whole year. The choice of the company Europroyectos Ltd, as host, was based on the need to find a partner to cover the requirement of PIC Number and furthermore to have a wide range of reliable co - operators to organize and run the internship program. The other cooperating partners, lacked PIC Number, and could not be addressed directly to them. The methodology in project management will be modular, so that, a feedback at every stage of this implementation will help in continuous improvement of results. Each person involved has a clear role and obligations dictated by written agreements and Mutual. The support of the Director - educational group in the coordination, management, implementation and evaluation of the project, ensuring the positive outcome of it. The group will be responsible for the preparation of the participants, will build - check questionnaires and tests and evaluation, and will make the interviews. They agree, in cooperation with the target group, the learning outcomes they expect. Specialized knowledge - skills acquired in the field agronomy in cultivation, standardization and marketing of the products of Pomegranate and Nutmeg and in the field of Economy and Information Technology in relation to software packages and create -manage the advertising page of hotel - tourist enterprise, we believe that it will greatly increase their competitiveness against other graduates with impact at local and regional level. The sending organization will add in his curriculum, educational modules that will create by the accompany teachers in collaboration with the teaching team and help material and best practices , which will gather participants and accompanying persons. These modules will ensure the duration of project results beyond termination. Finally, the participation in mobility activities, of the sending organization, contributes to the objectives of Europe 2020 and reinforces the extroversion of it and increase the possibility in future cooperation with other local, regional, national and / or European institutions and participation in action KA1 or KA2.

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