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Πρακτική άσκηση στα αρωματικά και φαρμακευτικά φυτά στην Κύπρο. On the job training
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 7th EPAL Patras is the applicant and sending organization. In this school studying 434 students and teaching 47 teachers. The offered specializations are: Agriculture, Finance and Administration, Information Technology. The pedagogical team of 7th EPAL Patras, who is responsible for the pedagogical-didactic and profession policy of the school, took under serious consideration the following points: Greece is a country with great biodiversity and soil conditions suitable for the development of aromatic and medicinal plants (AMP). There is great demand for AMP from Greek and foreign buyers. The advantage of these plants is that they can be sold fresh and processed (dried, distillate). The disadvantage is that there is no experience in that issue from farmers and the Ministry of Rural Development is trying to development laws to boost the production and processing of AMP. But this gives a great potential of growth and jobs. After that proposed to teachers board and received approval for the organization of the following mobility program entitled “Practice in aromatic and medicinal plants in Cyprus. On the job training”, under the program Erasmus + and KA1 action "Mobility learners and staff". The total duration is 12 months, from 06/01/2015 up to 06/01/2016. Target group is 16 students in the third year in Vocational Education and the field of Agriculture and two accompany teachers. Participants come from low educational and economic status families, low vocational rehabilitation opportunities. The project will be carried out in one flow. The placement will take place in the company AGROPLANT LTD, Limasol in Cyprus and will last two weeks, the period from 03.20.2016 to 02.04.2016. The proposed program has basic - general objective, the target group to develop new skills -competences -knowledge, "practicing" in real workplaces. The individual objectives set to meet the identified needs of the target group and the expected outcomes are: - Acquisition of specialized knowledge, skills and experience in the cultivation of AMP, organic cultivation, standardization, packaging and promotion of these products. The practice will be enhanced by seminars in the afternoon by authorized persons from AGROPLANT LTD -Development of personal skills such as, self-esteem, teamwork, accountability, consistency, programming, cooperativeness etc. -Learn about the culture of the host country. Enhancing multiculturalism and eradicate xenophobia, fear of living - moving to another country - Acquisition of qualifications (Europass- certifications) -Develop Partnerships between all stakeholders. All of the above leads to ultimately strengthen – improvement of participants, in their professional development, and personal growth. The choice of Cyprus-Limassol, was based on research, about the need to meet the objectives of the internship in AMP cultivation issues. Cyprus has long experience in the cultivation of AMP, and has a large export capacity. There is great soil similarity. The choice of the company AGROPLANT LTD, as host partner, was based on specialized experience and knowledge held as a producer and manager of the cultivation of AMP, so that to be able to meet the objectives set. Secondly, the use of a common language would help a smoother adaptation of the participants in the exercise in real working conditions. Finally the host partner covers the formality of PIC number. The methodology in project management will be formative, to provide feedback at every stage of implementation and continuous improvement of results. Everyone involved has a clear role and obligations dictated by written agreements and Mutual Trust. The long experience of sending institution to coordinate, manage, evaluate, mobility programs (7years experience), guarantee the positive outcome of this. Specialized knowledge-skills that will acquiring the participants in cultivation, drying, packaging and distribution of products of AMP, we believe that will increase their competitiveness over the other, giving them a competitive advantage in finding a job and put the basis for a long-term benefit , of creating their own business. All these will have an impact at local and regional level. Finally enhancing mobility, the sending organization, contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 objectives, strengthens its outreach, its possible cooperation with local, regional or European organizations and partners in a cooperation in KA1 and / or KA2.
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