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Πρακτική άσκηση με καινοτόμες μεθόδους στον τομέα του τουρισμού
Start date: Jun 30, 2016, End date: Jun 29, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the mobility plan is to enable students of the Public Institute of Vocational Training of Lepanto to acquire, implement and enrich their knowledge and skills by doing internships in hotels in Granada, Spain. The specific objectives are to support the students as for the acquisition of competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in the management of tourist facilities and particularly in the management of hotels, to improve participants' skills in English language learning, to enrich the participants' knowledge and become familiar with Spanish culture, giving them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, to actively participate in society and to develop a sense of European citizenship and identity.The Public Institute of Vocational Training will participate in the education and training program by sending 10 students and an instructor in Spain and their staying there for two weeks, during which they will do daily internship in a hotel in Granada. The age of students varies from 20 to 40 years and they belong to middle socioeconomic strata. They speak English at level B2 and they are currently studying in the post-secondary level of Public Institutes of Vocational Training. During the program, in non-working hours and days, students will visit the main attractions and archaeological sites of the city, attend seminars and have time to meet better the lifestyle in the city of Granada. The escort and the people in charge of the host is obliged to check on a daily basis the presence of students in the workplace and the improvement of their skills. The host partner will be responsible for the daily communication with the hotel providing internship to ensure the unhindered implementation of the program.Students participating in the program will enrich their knowledge in the tourism sector, will gain new experiences in the work environment and develop new skills. In particular, they will acquire specialized professional skills which provide the trainees- students with competitive advantages in the tourist sector, they will get acquainted with a new working environment (hotel complex in Granada), highly competitive and challenging that will contribute specialized knowledge, skills and attitudes in their profession, they will experience the culture, history, traditions and customs of a new European country and develop working relationships, and relationships of trust and friendship with colleagues and employers in Spain.The mobility plan will have an impact on a local, regional and national level. Initially, the curriculum of the specialty of tourism will be enriched with new ideas and practices from other European Union countries. Along with the practical training in the new European working environment the practices in the management of hotels will be improved on local, regional and national levels. The sanction and implementation of the program will have an impact on a European level leading to the reinforcement of the cooperation with partners from other European countries, the increase of the activation capacity in the tourism sector at a European level and finally the improvement of the quality in terms of preparation, implementation, control and monitoring of European / international projects.Finally, the benefits of the project are significant for the participating organizations as well, who will gain experience in the implementation of European Union programs, develop partnerships with training and employment organizations in other European countries, will learn new processes and innovative ideas through the collaboration with other organizations and develop their internationalization.
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