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Praktické získávání odborných dovedností a zkušeností v zahraničí
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context of the project: Context of the project: The idea to implement the project was based on an analysis of needs our educational establishment - Secondary Technical School in Most, contributory organization, which is located in the Usti region. This region has been showing except the lowest employment also the worst educational structure of the population. The school works closely with employers in the region, both the Czech and the Saxon side of the border. To eliminate the disproportion between supply and demand of jobs in the labour market, through the mobility realization in this project our school sought to create better employability of their graduates in the labour market and support their ability to move and work in a foreign environment. Project goal: Supporting our pupils of the following chosen apprentice 3-year fields of studies - bricklayer, dry fitter and plumber, and 4-year field of study - mechatronics, in the form of cross-border mobility in order to develop their professional knowledge and skills. The added value of mobility is development of their social skills and language professional skills so as to prepare them easier enter the labor market in the Czech-Saxon border area. Profile of participants: Mobility Chemnitz: 2x 6 participants of 4-year field of study - Mechatronics, there were only boys (16-20 years). Mobility Glauchau: 9 participants of 2x 3-year apprentice fields of study - Bricklayer, Plumber, Dry fitter, there were only boys (16 -20years). Time implementation of individual mobility: The first mobility took place from 09/03/2015 to 22/03/2016 in BWC Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz gGmbH. The participants of this mobility were 6 pupils of Mechatronics plus accompanying adult. The second mobility took place from 13/04/2015 to 26/04/2015 in BFW Sachsen e.V, ÜAZ Glauchau. The participants of this mobility were 9 pupils of these fields – Bricklayer, Plumber and Dry fitter and accompanying adult. The third mobility took place from 18/04/2016 to 01/05/2016 in BWC Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz gGmbH. The participants of this mobility were 6 pupils of Mechatronics plus accompanying adult. The fourth mobility took place from 23/05/2016 to 05/06/2016 in in BFW Sachsen e.V, ÜAZ Glauchau. The participants of this mobility were 9 pupils of these fields – Bricklayer, Plumber and Dry fitter and accompanying adult. The first mobility took place from 09/0 in BWC Bildungs-Werkstatt Chemnitz gGmbH.3/2015 to 22/03/2015. The participants of this mobility were 6 pupils of Mechatronics plus accompanying adult. Benefits implementation of mobility. - Improvement of practical and theoretical professional expertise - Improving professional language knowledge - Improvement of social skills Before starting the mobility these pupils did not have much professional language knowledge and their Practical experience in companies were limited. The practical education of these fields mostly takes place in school workshops whose equipment is limited. After the implementation of mobility pupils improved their existing skills and expertise in the field and of course thanks to other used technology or equipment which our school does not provide gained new knowledge and practical experience. This course improves their position after graduation on the labor market, and not only in our country. The added value was obviously improving foreign language communication and enrich the vocabulary of professional terminology. The stay in the foreign country and outside of their home at all, strengthen their social competence and through the organization of cultural and sporting leisure activities certainly also affected their social development. At the end of each internship, participants received certificates and learning and practice outcomes have been recorded in the Europass Mobility. Students gained new practical experience related to the study of vocational fields in a real environment German companies. Mobility have also teaching plane - the receiving organizations are certified organizations of vocational education and training, so that during the professional practice of our pupils in these organizations they successfully developed the knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process. The participant´s interest in their work performance. Participants deepen the professional experience and strengthen their responsibility in teaching performance. Also they gained professional contacts that can be applied after graduation. The professional mobility of students had a positive impact on the involved organizations. Our cooperation has improved as well as within the future planned activities. This mobility definitely supported pupils ‘motivation in vocational training and brought some new ideas into teaching process at our school. The information and results of mobility will be publicly promoted in the school magazine, the school website, within recruitment for class meetings, education fairs, etc.

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