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Praksom u EU do novih znanja i vještina
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participants of the mobility are 21 3rd grade students of the Vocational high school of electrical engineering and traffic in Osijek, Croatia. Students come from different training programs: Electrical engineering tehnician, Computer Technician, Mechatronics Technician, Electronics Technician and Road Traffic Technician. As a part of their third year program, students have in-company training which is a predisposition for enrolling 4th grade and also part of preparation for their final exam. In-company training complements the workshop and laboratory training which is held in school. The main task of work-based learning is to introduce students gradually to requirements of labor market and the world of labor in factories, workshops, offices, construction companies etc. The main activity of the mobility program is in-company training adjusted to priorities for each vocation: Electrical engineering technician - organization of processes in production of electrical motors, generators and transformers; technical and technological documentation in manufacturing, assembling and control; utilization of tools, equipment and instruments. Computer Technician – installation and maintenance of computers; disposal of electronic waste; installation and configuration of software; managing and maintaining of computer networks; programming and web design. Mechatronics Technician - analysis, planning and organization of work; calculation and/or selection of processes; diagnostics of faults; tuning of parameters of elements and/or systems; maintenance of equipment and systems. Electronics Technician – preparing of technological and operational documentation of production; testing of electronic components and assemblies; setting up and testing of electronic devices and equipment. Road Traffic Technician - preparation and organization of the technological process of transportation of goods and passengers; analysis of traffic processes; activities of transport and insurance of transport services; the application of principles for the safety of cargo and passengers; rational utilization of vehicles In-company training will be carried out in Dublin, Ireland; Torquay, UK and Odense, Denmark, which will be than verified equally to in-company training carried out in Croatia. In addition to work experience students will have the opportunity to improve their English language competencies, and to experience independent living. Application protocol for this mobility activity will give all students some very useful knowledge, such as writing an application for a job, CV, and how to prepare for a job interview. The project will enhance their capacities for adoption of new information and skills in different ways through different media. It will help them see the necessity for lifelong learning. Both school and students will work on their professional development through the organization, preparation and implementation of this project. Our intention is also to strengthen synergies i.e. facilitating the transition between learning and work. Duration of activity is two weeks. Our students who will be in the school center in Odense, Denmark will work with the students of the host school. Students will share their knowledge and experience on practical skills. Working in a team or group, they will all have the opportunity to improve their English as a language of communication (as English is not a mother tongue for any of them), and develop multicultural awareness. They will exchange information on cases and know-how acquired throughout the process of formal education. The main objectives of the mobility of students are: 1) introduce students to business in real terms, and thus improve competences linked to their professional profiles 2) connect the theoretical content with practice in order to motivate students to participate in class activities more actively The expected outcomes are improved efficiency, knowledge and skills of all the participants of the mobility project; promotion of vocational education in our region and better employability of young people All of these activities will be incentive for change (individual efforts in formal and informal education, understanding of the importance of learning in the educational process) which should lead to a reduction in skills mismatches (mismatch between the skills of the workforce and labor market needs). The impact of the project is expected in the following areas: 1) the number of students in our mobility will increase (although not significant) number of quality mobile and trained people who are aware of the necessity for continuous improvement. 2) cooperation between institutions will be encouraged, the results will be disseminated through seminars for vocational teacher, and help will be provided to other institutions in their efforts to join such projects in the future 3) increase the employability of young people due to acquired professional knowledge and practical skills
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3 Partners Participants