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Practici europene in educatia adultilor
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was implemented by ISJ MM in collaboration with training provider EDP Montijo, Portugal. It has the expertise and skills on training in adult education. ISJ MM has enriched its experience concerning the implementation of European projects. The project started from the initial need identified at institutional level, concerning the training of school inspectors with responsibilities in the field of adult education. These persons, as personal with responsibilities for counselling and control, before their participation at the course, presents need for training regarding the adult education, the modality of evaluation of adults, the organization/evaluation/implementation of educational offer for adults, ensuring the premises for increasing the quality of educational process at pre-university level in our county and the conditions to assure the equality of chances for all students as a premise of their social and professional inclusion. The trainer institutions was selected based on information funded via Internet, regarding them expertise, as to be able to offer at the 8 trainees (4 school inspectors with responsibilities for Second Chances courses: 1 general coordinator, 1 responsible for primary, 1 responsible for inferior secondary, 1 for superior secondary level; 4 school inspectors with responsibilities for adult immigrants education who learn the Romanian as foreign language: 1 general coordinator, 3 school inspectors with responsibilities to teach Romanian as foreign language) the possibility to learn new methods and methodologies in project field, through structured training courses. We opted for 1 provider for training, because this organisation is active also in other EU countries. A stream have participated at training courses in Spain, Barcelona, and another in Portugal, Montijo. The project is centered on Law 1/2011 to ensure equal opportunities for all people to be educated, graduating compulsory education. The project was linked to legal provisions regarding the rights of immigrants required a protection form in Romania, EU country, to assure the learning of Romanian as foreign language necessary to their social integration, and to assure the possibilities to participate at obligatory educational process (through Second Chances courses). The main objective of training activities, followed and achieved: to form the competences, in EU context, regarding the organization of activities in adult education (Second Chance courses and to teach the Romanian as foreign language, A1, for adult immigrants). Specific objectives, pursued and achieved: 1. to form, in structured training context, in EU (Spain and Portugal), of school inspectors with responsibilities in organization, implementation, counselling and evaluation of activities in adult education (4 persons for Second Chance courses, 4 persons with responsibilities concerning the teaching the Romanian as foreign language, level A1, for adult immigrants; 2. to consolidate and to develop the competences of 8 persons from our target group (school inspectors) involved in activities for adult education. They were targeted and achieved the following objectives: to improving the competences for English of trainees; the improvement of competences of TG to work in transnational context. The planning of training was established with the training provider, to assure the necessary conditions for our activities, with a program of working for 8 h/day, 2 fluxes - 10-14.05.2016; 24 -28.05.2016; 5 days/flux. Results recorded: Were trained in transnational context (Spain, Portugal) 8 school inspectors from Maramures county, as counseling and control specialists, with responsibilities in the field of adult education: 4 for Second Chance, 4 for the field of teaching the Romanian as foreign language for immigrants) who have formed/developed competences for organization, implementation, counselling and control of specific activities for adult education, as a prerequisite to increase the quality of educational process. 100 persons have benefited from the dissemination of knowledge gained by TG, through the training, so: through the working meeting of the collective from ISJMM, in 06.06.2016 (25 pers); through "European Practices in Adult Education: guide of good practices"; 50 ex; the authors: the participants to training course. In IX-X.2016, in accord with the planning established in the project, we will release the dissemination for 100 pers., through meetings at the county level. Through and the display panel of ISJ MM min. 2500 pers (adults and youth) were informed about the course. We will continue the collaboration with the partner and we will sign min. 1 partnership with another organization from EU, to increase the number of collaborations with organizations from EU. This will sustain the goal of increasing the quality of education and of training at pre-university level of education and the achievement of the vision of our institution.

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