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Prácticas Erasmus+ para estudiantes y profesores del CPIFP Bajo Aragón
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By means of this Students and Teachers Mobility Project for learning reasons, CPIFP Bajo Aragón from Alcañiz, aims at improving its educative offer providing formative training in EU companies, more specifically in Londonderry (United Kingdom), Bayonne (France) and Lavelanet (France). Our students in Advanced-level VET courses have been offered Erasmus training period for many years, and it is now our intention to consolidate this training opportunity to Intermediate-level students too, making use of Erasmus+ grants both for teachers and for students in vocational training. In this sense, the Erasmus+ official announcements from 2014 and 2015 have provided us with a useful feedback in the management of these projects. We intend to carry out training mobilities in companies for a period 5 weeks. Altogether, we have ten students, four from them will go to Londonderry, three of them to Bayona and the rest of them to Lavelanet. They are students of Intermediate VET courses in the technical fields of Cars Maintenance, Electrical Installations, IT networks, and Health Care. In theory, our students from Business Administration cannot have access to these grants, they would only be able to access in case the organization company they go with did not carry out their mobility.Due to the characteristics of the partners in our welcoming countries, Bayona’s partner, who belongs to a VET-friend-school, can take in students from Car Maintenance. Lavelanet partner, another VET-friend-school can take in students from Electrical Installations, Health Care and IT. Londonderry’s partner, on his part, is an intermediary partner who can take in our students from all the technical fields. We also intend to carry out 6 training stays of five days each for our teachers, 4 of them in the job-shadowing modality and two for take our students. For these stays, we rely on the collaboration of our three partners. We expect to achieve a double aim with these teacher mobilities: on the one hand, we would like to learn more about the Erasmus+ management from our partners, and on the other hand, we would be grateful to see how the teaching process is done in other countries. Furthermore, we would go there with our students, joining them in their journeys, both to the welcoming country and to the welcoming company. In the case of our students, this training period forms part of their Module Training in the Workplace, which is compulsory to obtain their VET certificates. For those students who are already certified, they will have a training project similar to the Erasmus+. We can say that what is intended with these mobilities, both for students and for the teachers is: - To improve professional skills.- To enhance social skills through teamwork, taking benefit from multicultural and multilingual environments.- To advance in the learning of the foreign language, applied to the technical and professional field.- To foster an entrepreneurial spirit. For our teachers, we also intend:-To increase our management skills concerning projects and international initiatives.-To increase our didactic resources by comparing other VET systems. In the management of these mobilities, our three partners will be in charge of providing students’ accommodation, their journey to the workplace, the follow-up of the training and the search for companies. Our school will be in charge of organizing the shortlisting of candidates, their preparation prior to the mobility, their insurance, and, of course, the follow-up and assessment which is needed to certify properly. In order to do this, a shortlisting procedure will be done, and it will be based on three aspects: the students’ academic records, their knowledge of the target language and the capability and positive attitude of both students and teachers to carry out the training. As it concerns teachers, we will also appreciate their active participation and involvement in the Erasmus+ project.Afterwards, there will be a preparatory period to organize the mobility, then, the training period will take place. During this period, the students’ mentors, alongside with the welcoming country’s mentors and the persons involved in the project in both countries, will carry out the follow-up of students. In the case of teachers, it will be the coordinator for Erasmus+ in our school who will assess their training. We consider the participation in the project as beneficial for our students and teachers, and for our school and region in general. It helps us in the short and in the long run to increase our students’ professional horizons, as long as they realise of the very possibility to work, not only in their own country, but also in any other country from the European Union. Finally, these projects help us to increase our educational offer and of course, the people from our region can have a very positive view of our educational centre.

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