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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

" Vocational training in Bordeaux, V Edition " , so called because our project and the same title evokes continuity. For years, our institution has been enabling students from small mountain villages in Valle del Jerte , Hurdes and Ambroz do their training in one of the largest cities in France. That alone formative impact ( both professionally and personally ) becomes extraordinary. Participants in mobility are students in academic studies on Vehicle Electromechanics and Electrical Installations , professional families with high technical demands . The job market , however, requires a personal, self-improvement, mobility, integration capability , teamwork capacity... The stay and work experience in a different environment will cause a profound change in perception and professional stuff on these students. Participants have to develop their on the job- training between April and June. Thus, the students who will take benefit of this program will be performing the Work Training Centers Schedule in 2015. This will take some time to a proper linguistic preparation . Therefore, the project will also facilitate the acquisition of communicative competence in another foreign language , a fact that brings an undeniable benefit in professional and personal background of our students. Host companies have already collaborated with us in previous years and know and value the enrichment of participation in this Program. The main objective of this project is to provide participants with an international training experience to give them knowlegde and abilities , but also a holistic experience that encourages professional development and personal enrichment. Both aspects are very helpful to estimate their employability becomes strengthened. Professionally the advantages derived from the skills acquired in this process both technically and on a human level : integration capacity , autonomy, teamwork, initiative, responsibility , maturity ... It should also include the development of language skills they enable them to multiply their chances of employment in Europe in order to carry out the mobility of workers within the EU. A mobility intended as the one we present in this project will have other direct effects on the educational context of the applicant institution : the perception of the Vocational Training studies as a means of quality training . The EU has stated on several occasions that the FP has a decisive contribution to socio-economic development of a region . The impetus for the FP lays in increasing the attractiveness and prestige of this pathway : still, at least in our context , is still looking at the FP with suspicion and prejudice of various kinds , so increasing the attractiveness and prestige of this learning path is presented as another key objective in the project. The award of " National Award for Quality 2011 " has been a major driver for our prestige training studies , and we want to consolidate this reputation making our center a leader in mobility programs .
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