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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PERSONAL MOBILITY TRAINING PURPOSES The Department of Agriculture IES El Escorial is formed by a group of professionals with a high level of involvement in the improvement of teaching, which is reflected in their level of participation in several improvement projects. Within this context , it is desired to cover training these professionals to update and acquire knowledge of work practices in the agricultural area , with a period of training in two companies of gardening area ( Vivai Breschi Franco di Federico Breschi y Vivai Piante Cai Moreno, host partners) through a JOB SHADOWING stay of one week to four teachers . This requires a mobility agreement with these companies. The stay will focus mainly to know the working methodology in all sections of both plants nurseries (in special sales department) , technological innovations and measures to improve the environmental impact. Expected outcome and impact : Improving the prestige and credibility of IES El Escorial. Increased motivation of teachers as well as their knowledge and safety in their classes. Ties and mutual understanding between the partners will be strengthened , and new proposals for joint work they may arise. Increasing European projection of teachers , opening new possibilities. MOBILITY OF STUDENTS TO PRACTICE The proposal consists of the implementation of the training practices of four students from Intermediate Training Course "Gardening and Flower Shop " in nurseries gradening : Vivai Breschi Breschi and Franco di Federico Moreno Vivai Piante Cai , found in the region of Pistoia Italian Tuscany. One mobility flow , which starts on April 1, 2015 and ends on June 16, 2015 with a duration of 11 weeks is proposed . The main needs of the participants addressed are the development of personal autonomy and facilitate their entry into the labor market. The main objectives of the project are : - Improve the level of core competencies and skills of the students. - Through the learning mobility of students, is to promote the participation of young people in democratic life in Europe , the job market , active citizenship , intercultural dialogue , social inclusion and solidarity. -Recognition of non - formal learning. - Strengthen the international dimension of education and training through cooperation between institutions and programs in the field of vocational training. - Improve the teaching and learning of languages and promote linguistic diversity in the EU . The results are expected to get a comprehensive education of participants and increasing their autonomy and their professional aspirations for the work abroad. Increased interest among students by work in other countries and training in other languages and cultures than their own are also expected. The impact is expected in the short term participants obtaining their degree Intermediate Cycle that are attending , as they perform in the host country the module FCT which is mandatory to obtain a degree. Today, can not be understood without the internationalization of training and learning content and especially knowledge of other ways of thinking and producing . Mobility generate in participants intercultural skills in a foreign language , increase employment prospects and promote labor market mobility in the future. In addition to improving individual skills , is expected to improve personal employability , as well as institutional and international development. Finally, the mobility project will get recognition / validation of acquired skills and knowledge that will be very positive in his immediate future to them. The desired impact at the local level is that our participation in mobility projects result in our prestige and credibility. Regionally we are to remain a focal point in the CAM 's commitment to encourage the participation of our students and teachers in training and work experience abroad. Finally, European and international level we want to impact on the potential for expansion of the project (thanks to previous Leonardo projects , several organizations have contacted us to act as host partners and intermediaries, and this project is expected to follow fostering this communication ).

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