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Practicam in stil european!
Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Dec 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXTAfter the PNR (NRP-National Reform Programme), PRAI ( RAP - Regional Action Plan for vocational and technical education), PLAI ( LAP - Local Action Plan for vocational and technical education) and school’s PAS ( SAP- school action plan) analyses, as well as Education Law, no. 1/2011 Info R Romania from accession to integration, developed by the World Bank, Europe 2020, ET 2020 and the specific objectives pursued by Erasmus + VET, the Educational Projects Commission considered that this project would be appropriate.The project will address the following needs:- limited professional competences for 90% of the students in vocational education, mechanical field, agricultural mechanic qualification, resulting in a difficult process of transition from school to work- underdeveloped skills for 60% of the students in vocational education, mechanical field, agricultural mechanic qualification, resulting in low entrepreneurship- underdeveloped personal competences for 45% of students in vocational education, mechanical field, agricultural mechanic qualifications, which hampers their lifelong learning opportunities in a European area- low number of VET partnerships between L.T.HoriaVintila, from Segarcea and institutions active in education at European level, disadvantaging characteristic in the educational area of Dolj CountyOur project meets these needs and aims at training 25 students from vocational schools, the mechanical field, agricultural mechanic qualification, 10th grade, Level 3 under the Training Standards, in order to develop personal and professional skills and integrate their competitiveness on labor market in Romania or EUObjectives:1. The development of professional competences for 25 students in vocational education, mechanical field, agricultural mechanic qualification, to facilitate the process of transition from school to work, within 15 months of project 2. The development of practical skills for for 25 students in vocational education, mechanical field, agricultural mechanic qualification, in order to increase the entrepreneurship and to facilitate the access on the national or European labor market, within 15 months of project3. The development of personal competences for 25 students in vocational education, mechanical field, agricultural mechanic qualification, to diversify lifelong learning opportunities in a European area, during 15 months of project4. The increase in number of VET partnerships between L.T.Horia Vintila, from Segarcea and institutions active in education at European level, in order to enhance the European dimension of our institution, within 15 months of projectTARGET GROUP:25 students, 16-17 years old, from 10th grade, vocational education, mechanical field, agricultural mechanic qualification, level 3, in 2016-2017 school year. ACTIVITIES:- Organizing project management- Enabling information, selection, preparation- Organizing pupil mobility in the partner country- Monitoring and evaluation of the project and project activities- Dissemination of project resultsMETHODOLOGY: explanation, exercise, practical workRESULTS:I. Developed skills into:- Work safety and hygiene- Maintenance Systems-Planning, organizing and carrying out technical maintenance of tractors and agricultural machinery- Diagnosis and repair of tractors and agricultural machinery.II. Developed personal skills into:- learning: the ability to organize and regulate their own learning, individually and in groups.- critical thinking: the ability of information analysis and evaluation, capacity for reflection on the meaning of this statement, the ability to examine the evidence and reasoning offered and judging facts- solving problems: capacity to engage in work, willingness to take decisions and to address a difficult situation- interpersonal relating: the ability to participate in an effective and constructive society; the ability to solve conflicts, interact individually and in groups- language and intercultural skills developed through the experience of the European environment.THE IMPACT:I. Students :- Students motivated to continue their studies by pursuing high school- Increased number of students who find a job- Students eager to take part in other European experiencesII. School: - Increased number of students with outstanding performance- Increased European DimensionsLONG-TERM BENEFITS:- Redefining school’s image in the local and regional community- Affiliation to the strong European network that promotes quality education and training.

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