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Practical entrepreneurship learning model for creative industry at VET level: transferring the best practices of Finland

The need for the project is resulted from the current situation in labour market, the poor quality of key competencies in entrepreneurship provided by Vocational Education and Training (VET) and unemployment of creative industry's professionals in the participating countries.The problems:1. The high level of unemployment among school leavers and graduates of creative professions.2. The graduates of vocational schools have a lack of confidence, initiative and insufficient key competencies in entrepreneurship.3. Teachers of economical subjects of VET have insufficient or absent practical experience and are unable to connect learners professional field with entrepreneurial studies.4. Lack of practical courses or mentors in further education for graduates who are seeking opportunities to learn entrepreneurial skills.5. Small number of female entrepreneurs.The objectives:1. Transfer the Finnish pedagogical method named “teampreneurship” and model of learning entrepreneurship by doing in teams named “TOY” to partner institutions at VET level.2. Adapt the method and model according to the specific geographical, national, educational and economical needs and legal framework.3. Test the method and model. Plant and promote it at the national and EU level across the sectors.The consortium:P0: Tartu Art School (Estonia), the coordinator of the project. (VET school)P1: Tartu Centre of Creative Industries (Estonia) (incubation centre)P2: Partus Ldt (Finland) (training and consulting company, holder of the innovative method and model)P3: Ljepaja Secondary Art School (Latvia) (VET school)P4: Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación de Burgos (Spain) (incubation centre)The outcomes:1. Students and professionals of creative industry will have better key competencies of entrepreneurship, initiative and confidence. 2. More female graduates are motivated to become entrepreneurs.3. Graduates of VET are more competitive at labour market.4. A new model of teaching entrepreneurship at VET level will be used.5. Teachers and mentors will be implemented with innovative tools to teach entrepreneurship.5. The cooperation, evaluation and innovation processes in the consortium create a basis for further development.6. An international network for teachers, mentors and students to support teampreneurship learning processes.

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