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Practial in-depth-studies abroad
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context / background of the project: The overall goals and needs of quality improvement of Fusa upper secondary school (FUSA), is to guide all pupils through a good education and lead them away from statistics of dropouts. Recruiting pupils for important industries in our region is a central mission for our school. FUSA wants to keep a high standard at all levels, as we compete with neighboring schools to give the best education, and we wish our students to be first of choice for apprenticeships. FUSA wishes that employees and students through such mobility projects, should increase their knowledge about the working life and relevant academic skills in Europe, experience ordinary working life in another country and make international contacts. The participants - the number and profile: In total we applied for mobilities for 20 young Vg2 vocational students and 8 staff from our vocational study programs, max grant was finally for 10 students and 4 staff, of these we have been able to complete mobilities for 8 VET-learners and 3 STAFF. Review of activities: Practical, professional and educational issues have been handled by the 4 real partners involved in the cooperation, with the sending organization FUSA’s international coordinator administrating most of the formalities that involved several partners. VET-learners have gained their experience through work placement (3-4 weeks in different company), and the staff have been at various schools / institutions and received both information and discussions about professional and educational issues related to their fields: Our staff have been on two types of mobility; In France the responsibility for study program and professional angle, was completely on the receiving organization, based on desire - goals from teacher / leadership by FUSA. In Denmark our staff selected, in consultation with the school management, some key institutions for study visits / to do secondments. The staff have not participated in specific courses, but have found inspiration and expanded their international perspective through meetings with businesses and schools. Methodology used in project implementation: FUSA believes in holistic approach to work, so therefore all participants were involved during planning, implementation and evaluation of the activities, naturally based on the framework Erasmus+ offers, and that are agreeable with our partners abroad. A brief comment on the results: The direct result of this project is a naturally, that we have implemented many mobility, where all the involved learners and staff report increased academic, socio-cultural insight and greater understanding of international relations. Companies which afterwards received our pupils into apprenticeships, meet young people more self-assured of their own abilities and showing willingness to assume greater responsibility. Receiving organizations met adept Norwegian youth, which sometimes were more academic talented at their age, than what they were used to. Employees at the French school was also surprised (mostly positive) on the informal, equal tone observed between pupils and teaching staff from FUSA! A long term goal benefit: To FUSA a long term goal has been increasing the number of applicants to our vocational study program and ensuring our reputation of delivering well-qualified pupils. This is a part of our strategy to be an important organization in our region that give qualified workforce needed in an international community. In this perspective, it is particularly positive that we to this year's commencement (autumn 2016) got a record application to just those 3 vocational study programs that have been involved in this project! Hopefully the Norwegian labour market receiving our pupils, will get good ambassadors for international cooperation that can spread positive attitudes to colleagues and clients / patients from other countries and cultures.

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2 Partners Participants