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Poznanie produktów regionalnych UE szansą na zwiększenie mobilności zawodowej uczniów
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project focuses on students enrolled in vocational studies at Zespół Szkół Przemysłu Spożywczego in Krakow: bakers, chefs, confectioners, food technology technican and technitian of nutrition and gastronomical services . The participants are chosen from students who have already sufficient knowledge and skills to present themselves as professionals in a given vocation and to promote the school and region abroad. Each participant will present a Polish region product at their host, which will be previously arranged and approved by their regular teacher of their profession before their departure to the target country. The participants will also have to choose one product from the visited region, that they especially like and want to present and promote after going back to Poland. They will be obliged to learn as much as they can do about the preparation process and a special history or any other specifications about the product. The trainings will take place in best businesses under with a supervision of masters of given vocations. Theoretical activities will develop language, technological, vocational or social skills. The students can modify their knowledge of tradition and adapt it to Polish conditions to promote traditional regional products. “Europass,” which they will be granted, is highly valued by employers. The result of each mobility is to create traditional recipes typical for a given country. All the achievements will be placed on the school Internet web site and used during technological classes. ZSPS will organize Open Days and present the results of the project to representatives of Kuratorium, the City Hall, the employers, parents, media and the community. Beneficiaries can develop their professional abilities and reassure themselves that the profession they chose is important and needed. These are often students who would not have other opportunity to take part in similar training because of their low social status. The project concentrates on students’ need of self-realization, their further development and self education. It enables the beneficiaries to observe different markets, educational conditions and traditional ways of production. The training enables participants to improve their qualifications, develop professional vocabulary and skills, and it gives them the opportunity to present their competences.
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