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Powering creation
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

THe aim of the international youth exchange is its participants development of their individual talents concerning art., creativity and initiative as well as language skilss, soft skills, internalising European values such as intercultural dialogue, diversity, respecting freedom and human rights. We also aim to help them learn how to produce films and how media works. The participants of the project will be youth with fewer opportunities: wards from Resettlement House and also disabled youth. The project is culmination of their work throughout the whole year within non-formal groups which they proactively attend. The planned results of the project will help to build young people's self-esteem, reinforce the notion that involvement in this kind of activity within non-formal education is something valuable and note-worthy and as a result, prevent their social exlusion and radicalisation of their attitudes and ways of thinking. In the project there will be 45 participants from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. During the exchange we will use non-formal methods of work in every phase of the project. Youth from each country will lead various workshops for one another, presenting their main activities and then all participants will work together on important aspects like intercultural dialogue, diversity, respecting freedom and human rights. We will work out a script (music, lyrics and video) which will be then recorded during our youth exchange and spread out in the Internet, TV and social media. During the exchange we will also create a video commentary about the exchange, its steps and activities which will be also popularise in the Internet and other media. The project will not only contribute youth development but also promotion Eauropean values amongst youth (through art. presentation of the participants) as well as it will promote non-formal methods of work with youth with fewer oppportunities and special needs, for instance amongst workers and tutors from Resettlement Houses, special institutions intended for youth with special needs and also amongst students and academics responsible for youth policy.

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