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Powerful disability. We are all equal!
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project was to draw attention of participants to the important problem of social exclusion, as well as ways of leveling, especially in the context of excluded groups such as disabled, dependent and affected by unemployment and poverty. Participants often for the first time in his life had contact with a person with a disability during the project, acquired the knowledge of the solutions used in all participating countries in the matter of combating social exclusion, and social activation of persons with disabilities. They met solutions for bridging this phenomenon in different countries. The participants presented good practices and barriers faced by people with disabilities in their countries. The project participants have gained many new experiences with w / the subject matter, and also strengthened a lot of new soft skills, such as teamwork, assertiveness, public speaking, discussion, presenting and defending their theses. In order to better understanding and integration, each country has developed and executed a cultural evening for their own culture. There were also outdoor activities. The idea behind our project is the conviction that we are all equal to each other, regardless of their origin, sex, color, age or religion, because we want to break all the stereotypes associated with it and overcome discriminatory attitudes. We stressed the importance of tolerance, respect other people and their views, listen to him.

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