Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This collaboration between very experienced producers of street theatre and interdisiplinary theatre will create a new young multinational theatre ensemble made up from people with a very different social background. This new company will produce together a large scale site specific theatre production that can be presented in spectacular locations in European towns.The theatrical language is Hiphop, all forms of dance and Rap. This will open the tradition of street theatre artistically and can attract a wider range of new audiences than the existing forms of this genre.The new multinational company will tour with this production to all partners. They – the partners - will use their international network to bring this new company and production to other countries in Europe.As well bringing artistic innovative the partners aim , by means of action theatre and spectacular large-scale street theatre , to reach audiences for whom culture has a low priority and inspire enthusiasm and interest with this unique form of presentation.The specific involvement of youth from a disadvantaged and less well represented sector of the population will allow better integration in a social context and in the longer term better opportunities for employment.The artistic encounters and exchanges between the young people with their hip hop experience - which is one of the most powerful artistic forms from the streets- and traditional street theatre can provide unique opportunities for collaboration. The artists of this new European Street Theatre/Hip Hop company and the possibility for touring and performing on a high international level will offer an extraordinary chance to develop and enhance their individual skills. Travelling through Europe from Norway to Portugal to Romania. The performances will reach an audience of more than 100.000 people.

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9 Partners Participants