Pour une approche sensible au genre et à l’égalité..
Pour une approche sensible au genre et à l’égalité femmes-hommes dans les volontariats et les chantiers internationaux
Start date: Aug 1, 2014,
End date: Jan 31, 2015
The promotion of gender and gender equality has been established as a priority at international and national levels. Concordia is particularly concerned in this topic and has created a specific volunteering project which was focused on the promotion and the awareness-raising of gender equality. Besides the delegation of Ile-de-France has been organizing several events and activities aiming to promote gender equality and its closer integration, in collaboration with its local partners over the last months.
Main objectives:
This training aims at reinforcing voluntary service organizations’ capacities to develop and promote gender equality awareness in European volunteering and international work camps.
Specific objectives:
• Develop gender sensitive approach to volunteering and work camps enabling a crucial shift in gender stereotypical perceptions;
• Provide voluntary service organizations with the appropriate tools and methods to address gender issues in international volunteering and work camps, taking into account the multitude of EVS projects and work camps taking place in different national and social contexts every year;
• Provide voluntary service organizations with the necessary means to counteract the current tendency to reproduce gender inequality within the existing organizational and community structures in EVS and work camp projects;
• identify gender equality within the sphere of intercultural learning and social justice, set up the basis for a sustainable dialogue between volunteers, organizations and local communities in European volunteering and international work camps;
• Develop understanding among participants with special focus on how experiences of discrimination overlaps, i.e. people are often discriminated not just because of their gender, but also because of their background, skin color, social class or ethnicity etc.
Expected outcomes:
• To deconstruct stereotypes;
• To raise awareness and understanding of the overlapping of discriminations’ mechanisms;
• To participate in tools and methods production aiming to better integrate gender and gender equality in international volunteering and work camps;
• To integrate these tools and methods in mobility schemes of each organization and also internally.
Throughout the training, all the 16 participants contributed to the elaboration of a guidebook of good practices which might be used in each sending organization in order to implement a concrete sensitive approach of gender equality in European volunteering and international work camps. Even though the participants had different profiles they all showed enthusiasm and were eager to learn.
The methodology used was based on the reinforcement of non formal education values, training sessions, workshops and debates. This European training course enabled participants to have an active role and share different perspectifs on gender issues.
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