European Projects
Poszerzanie interkulturowych kompetencji zarządzan..
Poszerzanie interkulturowych kompetencji zarządzania projektem w europejskiej szkole.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
Project context:
Change of regional labour markets in relation to the needs of the European labour market changed challenges for our school.
Our school would like to prepare students for live in Europe and work on the European labour market. In this connection intercultural and project management skills of our teachers have to be significantly improved.
Intercultural skills, which were gained thanks to training courses, observations on other European schools and interdisciplinary competences are important questions and integral part of school, which is receptive to Europe. Those competences should be acquired on the courses with teachers from other countries, so that intercultural education might take place not only during the lectures, but also during the entire seminar. At the same time our teachers, thanks to the European training, have an opportunity to meet and get to know potential partners to plan exchanges with them, E-twinning or projects.
Project gains:
- enhance the quality of vocational training in the field of international cooperation and foreign languages,
- to improve intercultural competences and project management skills,
- to improve language skills,
- to learn about european educational systems,
- to learn about the traditions and culture of visited areas.
Number and profile of participants
There were 5 teachers willing to take part in the project, all of them are active working beginners as well as those who have from 10 to 20 years experience in working with youths. 5 teachers who speak foreign language in advanced level should:
-be prepared for training abroad.
-have sufficient language skills.
-be prepared to promote the European idea among teachers and students.
-be open to European integration during lessons.
A description of measures:
-participation in training courses about project management.
Methods of realization the project:
The methodology will be based on
-intergration of theory and practice,
-shering experience,
-analyzing case studies,
-methods of work:
-discussions in pairs and small groups,
-role plays,
-what's more, there are some meetings, evenings for intercultural integration planned.
-thanks to training courses, intercultural competences should be carrie out on the lessons. What’s more, they should be institutionalized, it means that they should fix socially values, facts and practices which are important for development of our school community.
A description of results and impact of the potential long-term benefits:
-experience of the seminar will cause an increase of motivation to learning and intercultural cooperation. Another reason is that projects will be more effective at school.
The training course will encourage our teachers to preparing more Europeans projects and to use work at projects as a way of extending the cultural, linguistic and social skills at students.
By extending these skills, our students will be better prepared for the changes which are required in the European and international labour market.