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"Poslujmo zajedno" Doing business together
Start date: Sep 28, 2015, End date: Sep 27, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project "Doing Business Together" was created because of the lack of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competencies in the curriculum and extra-curricular programs in elementary schools in the town of Kutina.By analyzing was found that the biggest problem is in the young population.In Kutina on end of February 2015. there were 6.167 unemployed out of which 716 persons without school and with incomplete primary school,1.370 persons have completed elementary school,2.166 with high school to 3 year,1.450 with high school for a period of 4 year and more,103 persons who had completed high school,219 people with a college education and professional studies,143 people with college and postgraduate therefore need to encourage change and influence the development of entrepreneurial competencies,transversal skills and use ICT tools as early as possible to change the mindset and approach to the labor market and led to the development of entrepreneurship and self-employment has increased.The overall objective of is to develop entrepreneurial competence of teachers and students in primary schools as future stakeholders of the local economy.Kutina in project choose partners based on cooperation that the city has with Dimitrovgrad,Bulgaria.Dimitrovgrad is an industrial city which necessarily need to change as well as the Kutina.Others partners are elementary school Vladimir Vidrić,School Lyuben Karavelov,Aleko Konstantinov Primary School,University college of economics,enterpreneurship and management Nikola Šubic Zrinski,Development agency,Municipal Enterprise "Children and Youth Centre”.”Train the trainer” involved 3 teachers from Kutina,12 teachers from Dimitrovgrad and 20 students participating in blended mobility.100 participants participating in the Conference presenting a plan for the development of entrepreneurship in educational institutions and the presentation of the Manual and Educational Games.Through this project will be involved Roma minority who represent 40% of the student population in Elementary school Vladimira Vidrića in which the related problem of early school leaving.Through virtual mobility and all the content available online project will allow equal participation of children with physical disabilities and children with poor socio-economic situation. Results of the project will be: First, established cooperation between local governments.Second, qualified teachers for workshops on entrepreneurship and developed entrepreneurial competences of teachers and developed digital skills and entrepreneurial competencies students acquired through non-formal learning.Fourth, introduced entrepreneurship in primary education (curriculum). Through the first result will be to link local cooperation with the city of Dimitrovgrad for the development of digital skills, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning.Emphasis will be placed on sharing plans between the two cities and their schools to develop entrepreneurship in educational institutions.This result will provide the basis for a better dialogue between the institutions in the City as well as improving co-operation with the exchange of practices and skills at the international level.Through the second result will have an impact on the improvement of existing competencies of teachers and with it will expand and the impact on students,which allows qualitative and quantitative increase in entrepreneurial content and programs in formal education.They want to sensitize teachers to the introduction of these methods work and learning that enable better acquisition of entrepreneurial knowledge,attitudes and competencies.Result seeks to encourage lifelong learning and training for understanding and implementing the basic techniques of entrepreneurship to encourage the general development of the community and therefore the general development of the Republic of Croatia.Through the third result will transfer the acquired knowledge of teachers to students in primary schools.Throught blended mobility students will transfer the knowledge of teachers able to apply to specific practices.Emphasis is placed on higher utilization and usability of IT tools in entrepreneurship for the development of digital skills and entrepreneurial competencies students.Students involvement in the project to develop digital competence and communication in foreign languages, social and civic competences.Project activities are equally accessible to all young people who are interested in participating in the project and for education on entrepreneurship.Through fourth result wants to project results apply to the amendment in the curriculum.Teachers participating in the curriculum are finding a way to introduce information and communication technology and entrepreneurship as a method of learning in everyday teaching.This would be modernized curriculum, and to entrepreneurship as a subject raised to a higher level.
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7 Partners Participants