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Portal and e-learning Environment for the Teaching of Sign Language

The project's general aim is to create a portal and e-learning environment for the teaching of sign language to hearing and hearing impaired persons not having mastered Sign Language. The project recognises the need for contemporary and state-of-the-art Sign Language material and its adaptation to current systems of e-learning. The project will build upon individual partners previous project experience in Leonardo and ESF, in the collection and development of teaching material for deaf persons via e-learning tools. In this project, research will be conducted into the issues being faced by deaf learners, especially in relation to on-line learning. To promote Sign Language, a portal and e-learning environment will be created for the teaching of the most recognised sign languages in Europe. These will include the national Sign Languages of the project partners (EN, FI & EL). The portal will act as an information pool-distributor for the selected Sign Languages. Additionally, a CD/DVD-Rom dictionary will be produced presenting the Sign Languages of the participating countries. Five project partners will be responsible for collecting material from a range of new technologies, specifically animation and digital video resources, for the development of both the portal and the CD/DVD. The anticipated e-learning tools will be piloted with deaf learners in FIN, GR and the UK. A review of the pilot results will allow project partners to agree upon qualitative and innovative project results for delivery across the partner countries via information events, websites, brochures & educational television programmes.
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4 Partners Participants