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PON EUROPA EN TU FUTURO. Hacia un mercado laboral europeo
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context We are a referral centre because we are an innovative, european and high quality centre, but we would like to continue reinventing us to be able to reach our goals. Therefore we are betting on continuous improvement, innovation and internationalization. To aim this purpose it is essential to learn from the best, analyze how they work and incorporate it into our curriculum. This European project is born with this philosophy. Partners: IES Salvador Gadea, Aldaia, Valencia, Spain. Secondary School and Vocational Training Centre dependent on Conselleria of Education. It has an extensive experience in European projects: Erasmus, Comenius, Leonardo. Cias Formazione Impresa Sociale Professionals SRL, Como, Italy. It imparts officially accredited courses, among others, in the areas of hairdressing and beauty. It has experience in European projects: Leonardo. FONDAZIONE "Gabriele Castellini" Scuola d'Arti e Mestieri. Centro di Istruzione e Formazione Professionale, Como, Italy, accredited Vocational training center that teaches, among others, in the areas of electricity, electronics and computing. It has experience in European projects: job shadowing, Erasmus+. There will be a project manager in each partner as well as a team in each center to coordinate the whole project. Each student will have a tutor in the target center and in the origin one and they will have a weekly tracking sheet with the main activities they have to achieve. Students participating: Registered in the centre at any vocacional course Level 3 of the International Standard Classification of Education (Technician in Hairdressing and Hair Cosmetics, Technician in Beauty Therapy, Technician in Microcomputer Systems and Networks or Technician in Electrical and Automatic Installations), who are to carry out the professional module “On the Job Training” during 2015-16 or 2016-17, aged 18, and a minimum language proficiency equivalent to A2 of MERC. 20 students / year, each lasting mobility: 1 month. Teachers participating Teachers who teach in the courses described during 2015-16 or 2016-17, with a minimum language proficiency equivalent to A2 of MERC. They will be selected by objective criteria. 8 teachers / year, each lasting mobility: 5 days. Their mobility will coincide with the first and last week of stay of students. Activities: STUDENTS Before mobility: Cultural immersion course about the destination country. As a final activity they should do a related research project and a practical guide of mobility. Language training classroom, with native teachers, and on-line, with final assessment. Course in occupational hazards prevention. During mobility: First week of cultural and linguistic adaptation in the destination centre, and extra-lective cultural visits. Three weeks in the enterprise for the traineeship. Development of an individual blog where everyday experiences of their stay will be collected. After mobility: Detailed evaluation of mobility. Final language assessment. Evaluation of professional skills. TEACHERS Before mobility: Cultural immersion course about the destination country. Production of a guide mobility. Language training with native teachers. Course in occupational hazards prevention. During mobility: Support students in their cultural immersion. Contact with enterprises in the destination country. Evaluation of the professional profiles required. After mobility: Mid-term and final evaluation reports of every mobility and about the whole project. Methodology: Eminently practical, focused on improving their linguistic, professional and personal skills. Expected results, expected impact and long-term benefits: Students: Improving language, cultural and social skills. Improving their employability profile / qualification Official recognition of training practices carried out Improving Information Communications Technology (ICT) competence. Developing awareness of European citizenship and belonging to a common European space. Teachers: Assimilate good teaching practices from our partners. Improving their professional competence. Improving language, management and ICT skills. Make comparisons with a critical view about the vocational training education in both countries. Centre: Quality improvement. Production of an optimal protocol guide for health and welfare. European vision of training and the job market. Get in touch with stable transnational centres for developing future projects. European image of the centre with local, national and international visibility. Increased demand for enrolment in the courses involved. Diffusion: Days of sharing experiences through Centres for Teachers Learning (CEFIRES). Websites: partners, Conselleria de Educación. Local and regional press. Social networks.

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